
Journal Citation Reports

(Clarivate Analytics)

Evaluation of scientific journals according to the criteria of the Institute for Scientific Information (for example, impact factor).
Online access is divided into: 

  • JCR Science Edition (approximately 6,500 journals evaluated) 
  • JCR Social Sciences Edition (approximately 2,000 journals evaluated)

The following questions can be answered using the JCR: 

  • How often was a certain journal cited? 
  • Which journal cited a specific journal? 
  • How quickly and how long after its appearance was a journal cited? 
  • Which other journals were cited by a specific journal?

The Journal Impact Factor specifies the average citation rate that the articles of a journal have achieved in a certain year: 

  • The Journal Impact Factor is a measure of the entire journal; it is not representative of individual articles or authors 
  • Indicator of the relative importance of a journal within a given field.



