


EconLit records economic publications since 1969 and is prepared by the American Economic Association. In total, approximately 750 important journals are evaluated as well as more than 200 collected works (since 1984) and doctoral theses (since 1987). In addition monographs are recorded for which most of the abstracts are available.

English articles are recorded or those that have an English abstract. In addition, the full texts of the book reviews published in the JEL are included as well as the Cambridge University Press database Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics. The working papers of the RePEc projects are also taken into account. The content index is based on the classification of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL classification).

EconLit covers the disciplines of economics, economic geography, economic history, economic policy, economic theory and some business literature. The focus of the content is on English-language literature and publications on economics.

Information on the classification system (EconLit subject descriptors).



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