
Info Desk

The HSG Info Desk in the foyer of the main building is available to answer questions of various kinds.

First point of contact

The Info Desk serves as a central point of contact for initial telephone, electronic and physical inquiries. We offer applicants, visitors to public lectures as well as students and employees an information point for questions about rooms, times, infrastructure and much more with the HSG Info Desk.


HSG Lost and Found Office

Lost and found items (valuables) are collected at the HSG Info Desk, owners are informed of the find if possible, and reports of loss are recorded. Anyone who has lost something can report it by phone or directly at the desk. Items of clothing that have been left behind will be hung up in the checkrooms by the housekeeping staff.


Other services at the Info Desk:

  • Sale of lecture tickets for the public lectures
  • Issue of the lending key for the Lecturers' Lounge on the first floor
  • Lending of various electronic devices, small materials, flipcharts, etc.

We are looking forward to your visit.

Opening hours

Semester operations Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.
Lecture-free period
(incl. semesterbreak and examination period)
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Calendar weeks 30-35 (July/August) Monday to Friday closed
(availability by phone/email)
Christmas/New Year Monday to Friday closed
(availability by phone/email

Information for verification companies

Requests for verification of qualifications or activites at the HSG, so-called background checks, are data protection-relevant requests for information. Therefore, in such a context, please contact

Background checks will only be processed if the email adress of the person concerned ist available and a hand-signed declaration of consent is submitted as a PDF file..


University of St.Gallen
Dufourstrasse 50
CH-9000 St.Gallen
+41 71 224 21 11

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