In the HSG-Library, you can find ca. 550'000 printed books and journal volumes, 5'000 Non-Books (DVDs, audiobooks, music CDs), more than 400'000 E-Books as well as more than 127'000 licensed E-Journals. Furthermore, we provide access to a wide range of Databases. The focus of our media collection is on business & economics literature as well as on law and social sciences. These documents are freely accessible in the library and are arranged thematically
You can search our media collection with our discovery tool HSGswisscovery . With HSGswisscovery , you can go even further! By selecting the search profile «swisscovery», you can expand your search to the media collection of 500 academic libraries in Switzerland. Furthermore, HSGswisscovery is offering access to free electronic collections provided by other libraries in the network.
"Where are the reserve collections? And where can I find a scanner? How can I find the printed journal issues in the basement? And where have you hidden the audio book and the DVD video collection? And, by the way, how do I get to the music rooms?” All these questions and more can be answered by consulting our MediaScout.
Whenever you stumble upon this MediaScout icon in your online research - just click on it and you will be shown the relevant location.