
RepRisk / WRDS


The RepRisk database contains data on more than 190,000 listed and non-listed companies and 27,000 projects reported to have links to ESG risks, from all countries and sectors with a historical coverage of more than 15 years. It screens on a daily basis about 80,000 public sources and external stakeholders, including international and local print and online media, news websites, newsletters, NGOs, governmental bodies, think tanks, blogs and Twitter, in 20 languages to identify companies and projects that have been linked to ESG-related risk events. In particular, RepRisk monitors 28 ESG issues (for example local pollution, child labor or tax evasion) and 57 topic tags, or "hot topics" (such as palm oil, Arctic drilling, indigenous people, coal, or water scarcity) and provides risk metrics and underlying scores to assess and benchmark the risk exposure and business conduct of companies.

The access to RepRisk is provided through WRDS data platform.
