This database provides access to full-text e-journals including archive data in the following areas:
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You can also access the e-books "Handbooks in Economics".
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Prohibition of Use with Open AI Tools: Licensed content or parts thereof may not be used with open versions of AI tools that reuse the input data. Sharing licensed content with third-party providers is prohibited. | |
Use with Closed AI Tools: Licensed content or parts thereof may be used with a closed AI tool if it is hosted in a local environment or in an external environment that can only be accessed by members of University of St.Gallen and participating institutions of the Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries. This includes training an algorithm, testing, processing, analyzing, generating outputs, and/or developing any form of AI tools. | |
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Publication of AI-Generated Results: Results generated or developed using AI may be published and made accessible for research and teaching purposes, provided they do not contain or reproduce licensed content from closed or CC-BY-NC-ND publications. | |
Open-Access Content: There are no restrictions for Open-Access publications with a CC-BY license. | |
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