

HSGswisscovery offers you a single access point to searching a vast range of our library's resources. In our database list, you can check whether a database’s content is integrated in HSGswisscovery by looking for this icon: 

Unfortunately, HSGswisscovery is not a «one stop-shopping» solution for all our electronic resources. For several reasons, some databases are not covered in HSGswisscovery and must be searched separately.

Informational video by SLSP about swisscovery

Off-campus access for University members

You can use HSGswisscovery anywhere anytime. If you are a member of the University of St.Gallen, you can access licensed e-resources on campus or by using a VPN connection.

Integration into the Switzerland-wide swisscovery system

By selecting the swisscovery search profile, you can also use HSGswisscovery to directly access the printed media offerings from 500 academic libraries from all over Switzerland. In addition, the swisscovery search profile gives you access to freely available sources made available by the other participating libraries. With the swisscovery plus search profile, you can also search and order documents from the physical holdings of the University of Lausanne. 

Registration HSGswisscovery

With just one account you get access to the media offerings of all participating libraries. You can reserve documents, order them, have them delivered - to us or conveniently to your home (chargeable service). Further information about your library account and how you can register can be found on the User Account page.

Quick Links


University of St.Gallen
Dufourstrasse 50
CH-9000 St.Gallen
+41 71 224 22 70
 hsglibrary   HSGBibliothekSanktGallen

Contact Search and Find Service

University of St.Gallen
Library / Search and Find Service
Dufourstrasse 50
CH-9000 St.Gallen
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