A majority of our collection comes from the fields of Business Administration, Economics, Law and Social Sciences. However, you will also find journals in other fields.
You can find journals quickly and easily in Journal Search HSG Library.
Enter the details of the desired title or article in the search box in Journal Search HSG Library.
Or you can check for which years the journal is available in full text by clicking on „Available Online“ and go further from there:
For printed journals choose "Get It" to learn more.
If you cannot find a document within our media collection, we have a number of other options available for obtaining the desired materials.
Please note our Courier and Inter-library loan services.
Through national licences, four online journal archives with more than two million scientific articles covering all subject areas are open to the Swiss public:
Further information is available on www.nationallicences.ch.
Access to electronic documents and databases provided here are based on licensing agreements between the respective providers and the University of St. Gallen. In general, the following limitations apply:
If you are uncertain regarding the proper use of an electronic resource or have any further questions, please do contact us at elibrary@unisg.ch.
University of St.Gallen
Dufourstrasse 50
CH-9000 St.Gallen
+41 71 224 22 70
Team E-Library
+41 71 224 20 65
Katharina Bossard
Contact person for printed journals
+41 71 224 22 88