The ICRG Researchers Dataset Table 3B provides annual averages of the 12 components of ICRG's Political Risk Ratings as published in the International Country Risk Guide.
The data covers over 140 countries and runs from 1984 through the last full calendar year. Assessed and weighed as political risk components are: government stability, socioeconomic conditions, investment profile, internal conflict, external conflict, corruption, military in politics, religious tensions, law and order, ethnic tensions, democratic accountability and bureaucracy quality. For more information on the individual components and the method used see also the ICRG Methodology sheet. An HSG password is required for access.
Table 3Ba shows additional subcomponents of political risks by country. The data are available from the year 2001.
Also based on the ICRG data, the IRIS Dataset includes computed scores for six ICRG political risk variables and covers the years 1982-1997.