We have 36 institutes that are affiliated with us, but most of these are managed independently and as businesses. They play a major role in training junior research staff.
Our culture is primarily shaped by our 36 institutes. They allow us to offer education, research and further education based on real-world conditions, which is what sets us apart from other universities. The institutes are primarily responsible for the fact that we self-fund over 50 percent of our costs.
In terms of funding, concepts and staff, the institutes are associated with us. The directors responsible are members of our professorial staff. Nevertheless, the institutes function for the most part as independent units managed on an entrepreneurial basis. They are especially involved in research, training and services, and advise companies and official bodies.
The HSG institutes play a major role in training early career researchers. They train institute staff at the interface between academia and the professional world. As a result, the generation of spin-off companies from our environments is specifically fostered.
ACA-HSG | Institute for Accounting, Controlling and Auditing |
ERP-HSG | Institute for Economic Research and Policy |
ES-HSG | Executive School of Management, Technology and Law |
FAA-HSG | Institute for Work and Employment Research |
GIMLA-HSG | St.Gallen Institute of Management in Latin America |
IBB-HSG | Institute for Educational Management and Technologies |
IBT-HSG | Institute of Behavioral Science and Technology |
ICS-HSG | Institute of Computer Science |
ICV-HSG | Institute of Computer Science in Vorarlberg |
IFPM-HSG | Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management |
IIDM-HSG | Institute for International Management and Diversity Management |
ILE-HSG | Institute for Law and Economics |
IMC-HSG | Institute for Marketing and Customer Insight |
IMO-HSG | Institute for Mobility |
IMP-HSG | Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance |
IoMS-HSG | Institute of Management & Strategy of the University of St.Gallen |
ior/cf-HSG | Institute for Operations Research and Computational Finance |
IPW-HSG | Institute for Political Science |
IRI-HSG | Institute of Responsible Innovation |
IRM-HSG | Institute of Retail Management |
IRP-HSG | Institute for Legal Studies and Legal Practice (previously: Swiss Institute for Administration Courses) |
ITEM-HSG | Institute of Technology Management |
IVW-HSG | Institute of Insurance Economics |
IWI-HSG | Institute of Information Systems and Digital Business |
IWE-HSG | Institute for Business Ethics |
IWÖ-HSG | Institute for Economy and the Environment |
IWP-HSG | Institute of Business Education and Educational Management |
KMU-HSG | Swiss Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship |
LIT-HSG | Institute for Law of Innovation & Technology |
MCM-HSG | Institute for Media and Communication Management |
MED-HSG | School of Medicine |
PSCM-HSG | Institute for Production and Supply Chain Management |
s/bf-HSG | Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance |
SEW-HSG | Swiss Institute for Empirical Economic Research |
SGI-HSG | St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia |
SIAW-HSG | Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research |