
Our prizes for
outstanding student achievements

Once a year we award an MIA prize for outstanding student achievements at the Graduation Day in the Autumn semester.

Prize for the best Master's Thesis (MIA)

Once a year, the cooperation partner Aurelius Equity Opportunities SE & Co. awards the prize for the best Master's Thesis MIA among all graduates of the programme. The prize is awarded by representatives of Aurelius Equity Opportunities during the decentralised ceremony in the Autumn semester.

The prize amounts of CHF 3,000 and is sponsored by Aurelius Equity Opportunities.

Dominik Hemmi was awarded the prize for the best MIA  Master's Thesis.

Dominik wrote about the «Occurrence of Inter-Institutional Collaboration in the Hybrid Institutional Complex for the Sustainable Development of the Alpine Region».

Supervisor: Prof. Ph.D. Oliver Westerwinter
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Dingwerth

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Daniela Engelmann


Executive Director, International Affairs Programmes

International Affairs / SEPS
Büro 52-5062
Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 6/8
9000 St. Gallen

Dominik Sachs

Prof. Dr.

Akademischer Programmleiter

Bodanstrasse 8
9000 St Gallen