
Associate Professor Burri


to the Professorship of international law and European Law!


For news see LinkedIn LinkedIn. We have recently founded the Law & Tech Lab at the university of St. Gallen, see also LinkedIn of Law & Tech Lab. For our Grand Challenge re the EU A.I. Act, see and LinkedIn "Grand Challenge". 

All News



The full text of many publications is available for download on SSRN.

Most recently:

Key publications:

Projekt Control of AI

SNF Project: Meaningful Human Control of Artificial Intelligence

MAIC is a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (national research program 77 "Digital Transformation"). MAIC investigates control of artificially intelligent systems by means of empirical experiments.


Contains all information about teaching

Thomas Burri:

In fall term:

  • "International Law and Business Strategy" (MIA compulsory course, co-teaching with Winfried Ruigrok)
  • "Foundations of International and European Business and Economic Law" (MIL compulsory course)
  • "International Law" (BIA compulsory course, open for BLaw)

In spring term:

  • "MIA Thesis Colloquium" (MIA compulsory course, only spring term 21)
  • "Europarecht" (BLaw elective, open for BIA, from spring term 22)

(taught before: "European Law", "Legal Fundamentals of International Relations" with B. Pirker, "NMUN", "Soziale Verfassung und Grundrechte", "Völker- und Europarecht für MLE", "Bilateral Relationship CH-EU", "Methodenkurs für Doktorierende" -- several courses at Humboldt-University in Berlin and TU Dresden, EU-Prozessrecht at Univ. of Fribourg)

Juliane Beck:

Tutorials for the course "International Law" (Fall term 21 and 22, with Katja Achermann)

Daniel Trusilo:

Tutorials for the course "International Law and Business Strategy" (Fall term 20/21/22)

Team and contact

Thomas Burri

Prof. Dr.

Associate Professor of International and European Law

LS-HSG - Law School
Büro 26-105
Bodanstrasse 3
9000 St. Gallen

Lydia Tischhauser

Administrative Manager

Bodanstrasse 3
9000 St Gallen

Juliane Beck

Research Assistant

Bana Musie


Research Assistant

Bodanstrasse 3

9000 St Gallen

Francesco Gravina

Doctoral Research

Bodanstrasse 3

9000 St Gallen

Ritwik Dwivedi


Research Assistent
