Adjunct Professor of Public Law
Adjunct Professor of Business Law
Adjunct Professor of Civil and Business Law, in particular Financial Market Law
Adjunct Professor of International Law
Adjunct Professor of Civil Procedure Law and Enforcement Proceedings Law
Adjunct professor of Business Law and Legal Management
Adjunct Professor of Private, Commercial and Business Law
Adjunct Professor of National and International Financial Market Law
Adjunct Professor of arbitration, conflict of laws as well as domestic and international civil procedure
Prof. Dr. Andreas Binder | Law of Obligation and Company Law |
Prof. Dr. Gary Born | International Arbitration |
Prof. Dr. Patrick Guidon | Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law |
Prof. Dr. Julia Haenni | Philosophy of Law |
Prof. Dr. Martin Kaufmann | Civil Procedural Law |
Prof. Dr. Raoul Stocker | Tax Law |
PD Prof. Dr. iur. Beat Braendli | Law & Economics (Commercial Law, Law of Civil Procedure and Law & Economics) |
PD Dr. iur. Ernst Brem | Private and Commercial Law and Theory of Law |
PD Dr. iur. Vincent Brulhart | Private and Commerical Law with special focus on International Private and Civil Procedure Law |
PD Dr. iur. Lorenz Engi | Public Law and Philosophy of Law |
PD Dr. iur. Nadja Erk | Commercial Law, Swiss and International Civil Procedure Law, Arbitration and Private International Law |
PD Dr. iur. Daniel Markus Haeusermann | Private and Business Law |
PD Dr. iur. Bernd Marquardt | European and Swiss History of Law as well as Administrative Law with special focus on Environmental Law |
PD Dr. iur. Lucien Mueller | Public Law |
PD Dr. iur. Dr. med. Thomas Noll | Law of the Execution of Penal Sentences |
PD Dr. iur. Kurt Paerli | Labour Law and Social Security Law |
PD Dr. iur. Gian Paolo Romano | International Private and Civil Procedure Law and Comparative Law |
PD Dr. iur. Oliver Rommé | Commercial and Company Law, Labour Law and Civil Procedure Law |
PD Dr. iur. Beatrix Schibli | Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Comparative Public Law |
PD Dr. iur. Mark Schweizer | Civil procedure law, legal theory and sociology of law |
PD Dr. iur. Marco Stacher | Arbitration, conflict of laws as well as domestic and international civil procedure |
PD Dr. iur. Dipl. Arch. Oliver Streiff | Administrative Law with a special emphasis on the Law of Spatial Planning and Technology Law |
PD Dr. Oliver Vahrenholt de Lucena | Business Law with Special Emphasis on Anti-trust and Financial Markets Law |
PD Dr. iur. Chrysant von Sturm zu Vehlingen | Family Law and Protection of Minors Law |
PD Dr. iur. Ernst Ziegler | History of Law, Economic and Social History of St.Gallen and surrounding area |
Visiting Professors (Spring Semester 2025)
Prof. Dr. Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama (Universität Leiden) | International Tax Law |
Max Schmidheiny-Foundation-Visiting Professor (Spring 2025)
Prof. Dr. Christian Rückert | IT Criminal Law |
Thomas Schmidheiny-Foundation-Visiting Professor (Autumn Semester 2024 until Spring Semester 2028)
Alt Bundeskanzler Walter Thurnherr | Permanent Visiting Professor Thomas Schmidheiny Visiting Professorship - Law and Economics Foundation St. Gallen |
Professor Emeritus
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher | Civil-, Commercial- and Business Law |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller | Public Law |
Prof. Dr. Bardo Fassbender | International and European Law and Public Law |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Geiser | Civil and Corporate Law |
Prof. Dr. Peter Haeberle | Legal Philosophy |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Killias | Permanent Visiting Professor for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Criminology |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Roland Kley | Political Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Koller | Civil and Corporate Law |
Prof. Dr. Philippe Mastronardi | Public Law |
Prof. Dr. Christian J. Meier | Private and Business Law with special focus on European and International Business Law |
Prof. Dr. Peter Nobel | Private, Commercial and Business Law |
Prof. Dr. Alois Riklin | Political Sciences with special focus on International Relations |
Prof. Dr. Rainer J. Schweizer | Public Law including European and International Law |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Vallender | Public Law with special focus on Business, Environmental and Fiscal Law |
Prof. Dr. Robert Waldburger | Fiscal Law |
Carlo Ranzoni, iur. h.c., has held various judicial positions in the Canton of St.Gallen and the Principality of Liechtenstein, most recently at European level at the European Court of Human Rights. He is regarded as a bridge-builder who has championed the visibility of small and micro states before the courts. Carlo Ranzoni has also campaigned for better protection of children and young people. By awarding him an honorary doctorate, the University of St.Gallen is paying tribute to an alumnus who, like the HSG, combines regional roots with international appeal.
Honorary doctorate in law 2021
Prof. Ph D. Jennifer Arlen, Professor of Law, Director, Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement, Director, Center for Law, Economics and Organization, University of New York
The University of St. Gallen thus honours her extraordinary commitment to legal scholarship, interdisciplinary research, namely in Law & Economics and Empirical Legal Studies, and her broad and international discourse on legal issues.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kley, Full Professor of Public Law, Constitutional History and the Philosophy of Law and Government at Zurich University
The University of St.Gallen thus honours a personality who has a distinguished record with his research work on political rights in the Confederation and the cantons, as well as on the history of public law, and whose independent voice inspires people to engage in a critical reflection of government and law.
Dr. Thomas Hansjakob
The University of St.Gallen hereby honours his outstanding and longtime contributions to the law as a public prosecutor, researcher and university lecturer, especially in the fields of criminal law and criminal procedure law.
Thomas Hansjakob died, unexpectedly, on 4 January 2018 at the age of 62.
Federal judge Prof. Dr. Fabienne Hohl
The University of St.Gallen thus recognises her extraordinary and long-standing contributions to the field of law as a federal judge, researcher and professor, particularly in the areas of civil procedure law and property law.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Bornkamm
The University of St.Gallen thus recognises his extraordinary contributions as judge of the High Court, researcher and university teacher in the areas of antitrust law, fair trading law and intangible property rights, particularly as regards the application of law in economics.
Avv. Marianne Widmer-Galli
The University of St.Gallen thus recognises her contributions to promoting mediation as an alternative method in the settlement of disputes, that is, her tireless work in further developing, accrediting and applying this method in Switzerland.
Marianne Widmer-Galli died in February 2020.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Kirchner, LL.M.
The University of St.Gallen thus recognises his contributions as a pioneer in the economic theory of law and in comparing general legal practices in German-speaking countries, as well as in the legal applications of accounting, competition law and corporate law, and network regulation, particularly as regards science and practice.
Cantonal judge Rolf Vetterli
The University St.Gallen recognises his contributions to the inclusion of psychology, sociology and new negotiating and consensus building techniques in the study and practice of family law as well as in the training offered to judges.
Bo Vesterdorf
The University of St.Gallen recognises his significant contributions to the advancement of European Union law as a judge and President of the European Court of First Instance, as well as his active involvement in academic and political discourse in Europe.
Prof. Dr. Kay Hailbronner, LL.M.
The University of St.Gallen recognises a distinguished representative of public international and European law who, through his dedicated, transnational research, teaching and consultancy work, has made a significant contribution to European scientific cooperation.
Prof. Dr. Erich Schanze, LL.M.
The University of St.Gallen thus recognises a distinguished ambassador for the law and economics approach, whose dedicated work has made a significant contribution to the establishment of this school of thought.