
Research, competence centers and institutes

The members of the Law School are actively engaged in research. They regularly publish legal assessments on current issues from business and society.

The members of the Law School and the institutes are actively involved in research in a great many fields of law and subject areas. In line with HSG principles, this research is usually interdisciplinary, practically oriented and internationally focused.

The individual research areas and interests may be obtained from the Alexandria Research Platform and the relevant institute websites or chair pages. Here are a few examples of research clusters on which the Law School is currently working.

«Law and Economics» cluster

This research cluster is devoted to investigating general and specific applications of economic thought patterns to law. Particular emphasis is placed on economic analysis for cultivating an understanding of international (economic) law.

«Business and trade law» cluster

Numerous research projects are being conducted by various members of the Law School in the field of business law. These include, for example, the examination of international developments in the law of debt or the study of corporate governance as a primary control issue in relation to business law.

Contact: Prof. Müller-Chen (Law of Debt), Prof. Bertschinger and Prof. Roberto (Corporate Governance)

«Theory and practice of constitutional law» cluster

Constitutional law research at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) is dedicated both to an overall view of constitutional thinking (i.e. in the St.Gallen Commentary on Constitutional Law) and to the more in-depth discussion of individual aspects such as the constitutional articles on education or competition policy as reflected in constitutional law.

Contact: Prof. Ehrenzeller (Constitutional Articles on Education), Prof. Hettich (Competition Policies).

«Legal methodology» cluster

The focus of legal methodology consists, for example, in research projects on the possibilities and conditions for interdisciplinary approaches in law, and in fundamental research into legal history.

Contact: Prof. Gschwend


Professors at the Law School manage or are involved in three Institutes of the University of St.Gallen (HSG). The Institute concept makes a significant contribution to the quality of education, research and executive education.

The HSG culture is strongly characterized by its Institutes and Research Institutes. The Institute concept contributes significantly to the strong reputation of the University of St.Gallen in education, research and executive education.

Institutes and Research Institutes are integrally linked to the HSG for financial, conceptual and above all for staffing purposes, yet operate as largely autonomous units that are run as businesses. They are particularly active in the areas of research, executive education and services.

The Law School has three Institutes and one Research Institute:

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