With Workspace, members of the University of St.Gallen have access to a wealth of financial data, the entire stock market at a glance, fixed-income securities (market movements, research, analysis and processing in one place ), detailed information on money and foreign exchange markets combined with customized analytical tools and market-leading information on commodities, agriculture and energy markets, metals, as well as meaningful analysis. Much of the data can be conveniently downloaded using the integrated Excel add-on.
All members of the HSG have access to our virtualized solution Virtual Workspace. The data universe includes workspace, datastream and aftermarket research.
You can start Virtual Workspace in any web browser by opening https://vdi.unisg.ch and signing in with your HSG-account.
Before a first-time use, we highly recommend that you review the Virtual Workspace FAQ Please take note of the section on how to import / export data into or out of Virtual Workspace.
In your web browser, you get access to – no matter if you are on campus or if you are accessing remotely:
If you are working with the Excel Add On: You can find a Workspace entry in your Excel menu.
We can provide a limited number of individual Workspace licenses for students. These licenses will give access to the same data universe as Virtual Workspace but will also grant API access to the data. You can install the Workspace client, available for Windows and macOS, on your own computer and access it there.
Access to individual Workspace licenses will be granted for a period of one month. Assignment of individual licenses is subject to availability. If currently no licenses are available, there will be a waiting list (first come, first served). Please consider the due date of your project and apply for an account in time.
Workspace does not give unlimited access to data. Each Workspace license comes with the same download limitiations, no matter if you use Virtual Workspace or with an individual account. You can find further information in the sections Workspace data universe and Datastream.
If you are interested in having an individual access to Workspace, please contact us: workspace-mail-in@unisg.ch. In your email, please let us know at which level you are studying and for what the Workspace access is needed.
We can provide a limited number of individual Workspace licenses for faculty and researchers. These licenses give access to the same data universe as Virtual Workspace but also grant API access to the data. You can install the Workspace client, available for Windows and macOS, on your own computer and access it there.
Workspace does not give unlimited access to data. Each Workspace license comes with the same download limitiations, no matter if you use Virtual Workspace or with an individual account. You can find further information in the sections Workspace data universe and Datastream.
Access to individual Workspace licenses will be granted for a period of three months. Assignment of individual licenses is subject to availability. If currently no licenses are available, there will be a waiting list (first come, first served). Please consider the due date of your project and apply for an account in time.
If you are interested in having an individual access to Workspace, please contact us: workspace-mail-in@unisg.ch. In your email, please let us know for what the Workspace access is needed.
Important: we recommend that you install the Workspace client on a private computer. Installing the client on a HSG-administered computer may cause problems.
Workspace gives access to this data:
Workspace gives no unlimited download access to all this data. Some datasets have monthly download caps, e.g. Deal Screener only allows the download of a limited amount of data. If possible, check if we have the requested data available on the WRDS platform.
On the WRDS platform, you have unlimited access to the following LSEG datasets: Datastream, DealScan, ESG, I/B/E/S, Mutual Fund Holdings and SDC.
After Market Research: access to analyst reports is also limited. If you require access to extensive amounts of After Market Research data, please contact workspace-mail-in@unisg.ch.
Datastream contains
Each Workspace license, no matter if it is used in Virtual Workspace or as a personal account, has a monthly download cap for Datastream data. The monthly cap is 10 million Datastream datapoints. If you receive a download error, please contact workspace-mail-in@unisg.ch. When using Virtual Workspace: Please send us a screenshot of your computer screen and the number of the currently used virtual machine that can be found on top of your browser window.
If you require access to huge amounts of Datastream data, please take note that unlimited access to Datastream is available on the e WRDS Plattform
In the LSEG Learning Centre. in the «Products» section, you can find tutorials and training videos for Workspace. Additionally, in the Workspace client, just enter «Training» in the search field. This will also give you access to training materials.
If you should run into any technical problems with the virtual environment or if you can’t access a virtual machine, please contact workspace-mail-in@unisg.ch.
If you have questions what data is available with Workspace, if you require assistance with downloading or exporting data, please contact Thorsten Uehlein or searchandfind@unisg.ch.
Thorsten Uehlein
Responsible for Finance databases
+41 71 224 22 47