
External Proof of Japanese Language Proficiency (JLPT)

General Information

The JLPT exam can be taken as an external language certificate for Japanese. As an equivalent for the Japanese A1 course of the University of St.Gallen, the JLPT is recognised at Level 5; as an equivalent for Japanese A2, Level 4 of the test is required.


JLPT Oral Exam

Students who choose this option of crediting Japanese for the foreign language certificate at the University of St.Gallen must take an oral exam in addition to the JLPT exam, as one is not included in the JLPT. This oral exam can be taken as a language service of the Center for Languages and Transcultural Communication at the University of St.Gallen.

The oral exam requirement applies to proof of JLPT Level 4 and 5. Students who present a JLPT certificate of Level 4 or higher are exempt from the A1 supplementary oral exam; exemption from the A2 exam requires a JLPT certificate of Level 3 or higher.


Format and Structure

The oral Japanese A1 exam at the Centre for Languages and Transcultural Communication has the same format as the regular oral Japanese A1 exam at the University of St.Gallen (HSG). At HSG, we use the book "Minna no Nihongo, Shokyu 1" (A1) or "Shokyu 2" (A2).

The exam consists of five parts:

  • introduce yourself,
  • reading aloud,
  • guided dialogue,
  • answering questions and
  • complete sentences.

The exam is based on the material covered in the Japanese course, but essentially it is based on the content of the JLPT exams.

Registration and Examination Fees

Please register for the exam using the following link:

register now


The fee for the oral exam is CHF 65, which must be paid to the Language Services before taking the exam. You will receive a corresponding invoice from us after you register. When registering, please allow a period of time for the organization of the exam; the date will be set after consultation with the examiners (recommendation: register at least two weeks before the scheduled date).

A repetition of the examination is possible. Each repetition costs another CHF 65.

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