Preparation for attractive professional fields
Solidly acquired knowledge and newly combinable skills (analytical and conceptual skills, instrumental knowledge) as well as a practiced basic attitude (market orientation and responsible action in practice) are an indispensable necessity for long-term success in an ever more rapidly changing working world.
Future developments for marketing and management job descriptions include:
- Increasing importance of digital competencies
- Analytical competencies (e.g., advanced analytics)
- "Content" competencies (e.g., "storytelling")
- Ability to think and work in a solution-oriented way
- Engagement in transformation processes (in collaboration with other departments, bringing in the "customer lens")
- Marketing strategy support - developing concepts and positioning for (business model) innovations
- Business assessment of innovative marketing approaches and evaluation of their contribution to business success.
We prepare you for attractive tasks and professional fields, such as:
- Management and specialist tasks with direct market relevance (e.g. product management, marketing, market research, customer relationship management, service quality management)
- Communication professions (e.g. media spokesperson, journalist, manager, public relations, advertiser, e-communicator)
- Tasks in public administration (e.g. in location marketing, design and management of customer-oriented administrative processes)
- Specialized tasks in the in-depth sectors
- Business start-up
- Research and teaching at universities and universities of applied sciences.
Further impressions about the MiMM you will find on our Youtube-channel. The HSG-Career Service offers help in questions related to your career aspirations.