

Nachfolgend finden Sie unsere Publikationen, Projekte und aktuellen Arbeitspapiere



  • Bonev, P., Alacevich, C. and Söderberg, M. (2021): Pro-environmental interventions and behavioral spillovers: evidence from organic waste-sorting in Sweden, The Journal for Environmental Economics and Management, 2021, Volume 108.

  • Costello, C., Millage, K., Eisenbarth, S., Galarza, E., Ishimura, G.,  Rubino, L. L.,  Saccomanno, V., Sumaila, U. R., and Strauss, K. (2021). Ambitious subsidy reform by the WTO presents opportunities for ocean health restoration, Sustainability Science, 16: 1391–1396. [Link to paper]

  • Eisenbarth, S., Graham, L. and Rigterink, A. S. (2021). Can communal resource monitoring save the commons? Evidence on forest loss and displacement, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(29). [Pre-analysis plan] [Replication data] [Link to paper]

  • Eisenbarth, S., Graham, L. and Rigterink, A. S.  (2021). Can reminders of rules induce compliance? Experimental evidence from a common pool resource setting, Environmental and Resource Economics, 79(4):653–681.  [Pre-analysis plan] [Replication data] [Link to paper]

  • Slough, T., Rubenson, D., Levy, R., Rodriguez, F. A., Bernedo del Carpio, M., Buntaine, M., Christensen, D., Cooperman, A., Eisenbarth, S., Ferraro, P., Graham, L., Hartman, A., Kopas, J., Richey, S., Rigterink, A., Samii, C., Seim, B., Urpelainen, J., and Zhang, B. (2021). Adoption of Community Monitoring Improves Common Pool Resource Management Across Contexts, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(29). [Pre-analysis plan] [Replication data] [Link to paper]


Bonev, P.            Conflicts of interests in the nuclear energy industry (with Smidt, L.)
Bonev, P. The econometric evaluation of environmental policies when the outcome variable is a duration variable (with Blackmann, A., Knaus, M., and Stalder, J.)
Bonev, P. Behavioral Spillovers
Buehler, S. The mechanics of circular business models (with Halbheer, D. and  Stalder, J.)
Dingwerth, K. Differential treatment norms in international climate governance. 
Eisenbarth, S.  NetZeroPlus: Planting the right trees in the right places to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and creat co-benefits for recreation, biodiversity and water quality 
Eisenbarth, S.           BioAdd: The economics of biodiversity additionality
Keuschnigg, C. Climate Change and Population Growth.
Stünzi, A. Institutional Foundations of Industrialization, Financialization, and Globalization of the Swiss Economy. Evidence from 140 Years of the Commercial Registry (Link)
Stünzi, A. What Explains Ambitious Climate Policy? Comparing Updated Climate Targets and Covid-19 Recovery Packages and Their Drivers (Link)
Bonev, P.            Are older nuclear reactors less safe? Evidence from incident data in the French fleet (with Bizet, R. and Lévêque, F.). 
Bonev, P. The effect of environmental policies on environmental behaviors and intrinsic motivation: evidence from the European Union (with Knaus, M. and Voevoda, L.-G.)
Bonev, P.  An empirical evaluation of environmental Alternative Dispute Resolution methods (with Matsumoto, S.)
Bonev, P. An empirical evaluation of the effect of working from home on waste behaviors (with Söderberg, M. and Unternährer, M.)
Bonev, P. Nuclear waste in my backyard: social acceptance and economic incentives (with Emmenegger, R., Forero, L., Ganev, K., Simeonova-Ganeva, R., Söderberg, M.) 
Buehler, S. Circular Business Models: Product Design and Consumer Participation (with Chen, R. and Halbheer, D. )
Keuschnigg, C.           Recycling, Resource Dependence and Trad (with Egger, P.)
Stünzi, A. Announcing a Green New Deal: The Role of Policy Signals for Stimulating Entrepreneurship. (with Schaefer, A.)
Stünzi, A. Cui bono? Explaining the persistence of public and private finance for coal-fired power plants overseas. (with Manych, N., Egli, F., Ohlendorf, N., Schmidt, T.S., Steckel, J.C. & Steffen, B.)
Stünzi, A. Preaching to the (un)converted: The use of targeted information in strengthening the public acceptance of carbon pricing. (with Schwarz, A., Kaestner, K., Pahle, M. & Sommer, S.)
Stünzi, A. They disagree: Second-order beliefs on carbon tax acceptance in Germany. (with Schwarz, A., Kaestner, K., Pahle, M. & Sommer, S.)
  • Stünzi, A.: In addition? The standard of proof in the Clean Development Mechanism. (with Ilíc, D.)
