

Jedes Jahr bereichern Gastprofessorinnen und -professoren die SEPS, indem sie in unseren Studienprogrammen unterrichten, in Forschungsseminaren präsentieren und öffentliche Vorträge halten.

Gastprofessorinnen und Gastprofessoren der SEPS

Malka Guillot Associate professor, HEC Liège, Université de Liège, Belgique.
FS 25
Scott Cunningham Ben H. Williams professor of economics at Baylor University FS 25
Lars Feld Professor für Wirtschaftspolitik an der Universität Freiburg FS 23
Giacomo Pasini Professor of Econometrics and Director Elect at the Department of Economics at Ca' Foscari University of Venice HS 21

Marc-Andreas Mündler

Professor of Economics at University of California, San Diego

FS 20
Josef Zweimüller Professor of Economics at University of Zurich FS 20
Stefano Carattini Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Georgia State University, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies HS 19
Julien Prat Associate Professor at the École Polytechnique Paris and Institute for Economic Analysis Barcelona HS 19
Daniel W. Drezner Distinguished Professor of International Politics, Professor of International Politics, Associate Dean of Research
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University
FS 25
Laura Sjoberg British Academy Global Professorship, Department of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy
Royal Holloway University of London
HS 24
Josephine Wolff Associate Professor of Cybersecurity Policy and Computer Science, Engineering at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University
Director, Hitachi Center for Technology and International Affairs
FS 24
Leonard Seabrooke Professor of International Political Economy and Economic Sociology in the Department of Organization at the Copenhagen Business School, and Research Professor at the Norwegian Institute of  International Affairs.  FS 24
Peter Neumann Professor of Security Studies at King's College London and Director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation FS 23
Andreas Klasen Professor of International Business Administration and Scientific Director of the Institute for Trade and Innovation at the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg and Partner at TradeRx HS 23
Ken Opalo Professor for Political Economy at Georgetown University FS 22
Soo Yeon Kim Professor for Interantional Relations and Methods at National University of Singapore HS 22
Wolfgang Alschner Professor for international economic law at the University of Ottawa FS 21
Kerstin von der Decken Professor for Public Law at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel HS 21
Klaus Armingeon Professor of International History and Chair of the International History Department at the Graduate Institute in Geneva FS 20
Emmanuel Alloa Professor for Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art at the University of Freiburg HS 20
Mohammad Mahmoud Mohamedou Professor of International History and Chair of the International History Department at the Graduate Institute in Geneva HS 20
Timothy Bartley Professor of Sociology at the Washington University in St. Louis (USA)  HS 19
Jan Kristijan Grobovsek     Professor at Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona FS 20
Wolfgang Karl Härdle Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin HS 18

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