Das Econ Brown Bag Seminar soll in erster Linie internen Forschenden die Möglichkeit bieten, ihre Arbeit vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Alle Mitglieder der SEPS sind eingeladen und aufgefordert, daran teilzunehmen. Präsentationen von Doktorierenden sind besonders willkommen!
Date | Time/Location | Presenter | Topic |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | n.a. | 5-minutes presentations to give a glimpse into each others research |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Jeremia Stalder | Informal Redistribution Through Work |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Samuel J. Kang |
Prison, Probation, and the Community |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Bryan Graham | Accomodating feedback in non-lear panel data models |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Giovanni Ballarin | Impulse Response Analysis of Structural Nonlinear Time Series Models |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Can Gao | Debt and Deficits: Fiscal Analysis with Stationary Ratios |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Paul Schaudt | Insuring peace: Index-based livestock insurance, droughts, and conflict |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Peter Kress | The Winner Consumes It All |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Oliver Schlenker | The Deadly Consequences of Labor Scarcity: Evidence from Hospitals |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Irene Salvi | Cost-effectiveness analysis of rapid recovery after joint replacement from the German payer's perspective |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C | Begüm Özdemir Oluk | Carbon Neutrality and Transparency: Evidence from a Choice Experiment |
Wednesday, | 12:15-13:30HSG Campus C |
Samuel Häfner |
A Study of the Combinatorial Candle Auction in the Field and in the Lab |
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