Founded in 2016, the Swiss Network of Ethics of Care (SNEC) provides scholars in Switzerland and abroad with a platform for exchange and collaboration within the field of ethics of care, especially in the context of the patient-healthcare professional relationship.
Aims of the Network:
To foster awareness of the moral duty to care for the vulnerable in the healthcare context.
To support educational, research and policy initiatives aimed at promoting this goal.
To contribute to such initiatives through rigorous philosophical and interdisciplinary work.
To facilitate collaborative efforts among scholars in Switzerland and abroad in the field of ethics of care.
Key Activities:
Research: SNEC serves as a documentation resource for researchers interested in the field of ethics of care.
Meetings: SNEC organises international conferences within its scope of research.
Publishing: SNEC publishes in conference proceedings and journals the results of the Network’s collaborative research.
Membership to SNEC is free of charge and open to any researcher working on related topics in Switzerland. To be added to the list of members, or for general inquiries, please contact: or
ANDORNO Roberto, Universität Zürich
BENAROYO Lazare, Université de Lausanne,
BERNEGGER Guenda, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana,
BOUBAKER Karim, médecin cantonal, Lausanne,
COLLAUD Thierry, Université de Fribourg,
DUPONT, Iulia, First Medical State University I.P. Pavlov, St. Petersburg, Russia,
EGGERT Nadja, Université de Lausanne,
ELSNER Anna, Universität St. Gallen,
GLOECKLER, Sophie, Universität Zürich,
GOURINAT Valentine, Université de Strasbourg/Université de Lausanne,
HERRERA Fabrice, Université de Lausanne,
JACCARD Camille, Université de Lausanne,
JAUSSI Sophie, Université de Fribourg,
JOX Ralf, Université de Lausanne,
KASZTURA Miriam, PMU Lausanne,
MERMINOD Gilles, Université de Lausanne,
MEYER Pierre-Yves, Université de Fribourg,
OUELLETTE-DUBE, Maude, Université de Fribourg,
PIC Muriel, Université de Berne,
PIGUET Jean-Gabriel, Université de Fribourg,
SCHUMACHER Bernard, Université de Fribourg,
SOLARI Gregory, Université de Fribourg,
SONIEWICKA Marta, University of Krakow, Poland,
TOMCZYK, Martyna, Université de Fribourg,
WIENAND Isabelle, Universität Basel,
We are delighted to share the launch events for Assisted Lab (ERC Starting Grant led by Anna Elsner) taking place at the Fondation Camargo in Cassis on 25-26 May 2023. Focusing on the interplay of art and care at the Maison de Gardanne, we will be discussing the history and philosophy of palliative care in France and the looming legal changes following the report by the French Citizens’ Assembly on the End of Life in April 2023 This event is a collaboration with the Ciné-Calanques in Cassis, the CNRS Laboratoire PRISM at Aix-Marseille Université, the Fondation Camargo and La Maison de Gardanne.
Telemedicine —the delivery of healthcare services at distance using information and communication technologies— offers a safe and cost-effective way to address the healthcare needs of patients no matter where they are. This technical possibility is particularly promising in the current circumstances of social/physical distancing, quarantine and isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite its obvious advantages, there are concerns about how the increasing use of telemedicine may impact the quality of care. This workshop aims to examine the ethical dimension of telemedicine from a care ethics perspective. The background question is: to what extent is the delivery of healthcare at distance compatible with an ethical approach that emphasizes the relational dimension of human beings and the importance of values such as benevolence, empathy and compassion in the physician-patient relationship? Special consideration will be given to particular categories of patients such as the elderly and those suffering from mental health issues.
Comité d'organisation: Nadja Eggert, Ralf Jox, Anna Elsner, Lazare Benaroyo et Roberto Andorno.
Avec les interventions de Marc-Antoine Berthod, Floriane Bornet, Thierry Currat, Nadja Eggert, Anna Elsner, Manya Hendriks, Fabrice Herrera, Ralf Jox, Valérie Junod, Eric Masserey, Corine Mouton-Dorey, Jean-Gabriel Piguet, Melissa Riat, Danielle Richard, Eve Rubli-Truchard et Martyna Tomczyk.
Conférence publique:
“Relational autonomy in care practices; a care ethical perspective on the role of partner and family”, Prof. Inge van Nistelrooij, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, Pays-Bas.
Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zurich
Guest speakers: Prof. Carlo Leget & Dr. Inge van Nilstelrooij (Utrecht)
This conference has been made possible with the generous support of the Graduate Campus of the University of Zurich.