We, the library team, foster a culture of active innovation to continually improve and expand the HSG library's services. We also want to hear from you, our clients, and value your feedback. Share your ideas and innovations with us!
Our wall of ideas offers a space for suggestions, comments, ideas or feedback on any of all of our services. Take inspiration from the suggestions we have received previously and share your thoughts with us. We will directly reply to your contributions.
During four weeks we put a flip chart with a blank sheet in front of you and asked for your ideas and wishes. The result was full sheets of paper and lively discussions on the spot and on paper.
For one month, we had a so-called "NO log" at the circulation desk running. Every inquiry we had to reply with "No, i'm sorry" was noted down and counted if they were repeatedly asked. So we got an interesting list of which services are on demand, but not (yet) offered by us.
As part of a seminar at HSG, over three semesters students analysed the library, wrote a marketing concept and suggested possible implementations.
We can quench more than your thirst for knowledge. In response to a suggestion of the Wall of Ideas we have installed a drinking fountain in the library, enabling you to easily refill your water bottles.
To conveniently and easily print from your study desk was a wish from the Wall of Ideas we were able to fulfill. Print2me is our wireless printing service.
With pleasure we have acted upon the suggestion to provide options to hang your coats anf bags near our study spaces. Near the comfortable chairs we have put up a coatrack and we fitted the standing desks with hooks.
Taking note of a project paper from our students we created our own notepaper with plenty of space for your thoughts and even a few words on current library services. The content is updated monthly and the paper availabls at the circulation desk. This is what we call a win-win situation!
Sandra Freiburghaus
Responsible for Innovation
University of St.Gallen
Dufourstrasse 50
CH-9000 St.Gallen
+41 71 224 22 70
+41 79 836 87 76 (WhatsApp-Chat)