Events - 22.04.2014 - 00:00
20 May 2014. Switzerland’s education system is facing enormous challenges: under the influence of the globalisation of the education market, its users’ requirements are changing, structural reforms are putting institutional identities into flux, financial margins are becoming narrower while expectations placed in the social and cultural contribution of education to society are increasing.
More requirements, fewer resources
With the Pädagogische Hochschule, the FHS St.Gallen and the University of St.Gallen, Eastern Switzerland’s education landscape has three mutually complementary educational institutions, whose presidents will be looking together and with the guests for answers to questions such as those concerning their future socio-political, academic and social functions.
Prof. Dr. Erwin Beck, President of the Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wörwag, President of the FHS St.Gallen, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger, President of the University of St.Gallen, will conduct a discussion with the guests. The debate will be moderated by Eva Nietlispach.
The absence of lectures is a deliberate feature of the Science Café. Instead, the focus will be on a discussion with guests over a cup of coffee. On three further evenings, experts from the Pädagogische Hochschule, the Fachhochschule and the University of St.Gallen with discuss data and our footprint in the net, social media and education in childhood.
Science Café in St.Gallen: topics and data
The discussion will take place in the St.GallenTextile Museum, Vadianstrasse 2. Everyone is welcome, admission will be free.
Picture: Science et Cité
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