
Events - 27.10.2010 - 00:00 

Haniel Seminar on Decency

In public discussions and lectures, the Haniel Seminar at the HSG will focus on the issue of “decency”. Harald Welzer will speak about “The pliancy of morality”, and Christian Petzold about his films.


31 March 2011. The financial crisis and the problems and social discussions (“bonuses”) it triggered off in the real economy made morals in the economy a key issue once again.

Rules in a society
In a society, decency serves as a notion that designates humanely correct and widely acceptable behaviour – and this applies to many fields from interpersonal relationships to political action and the hard currency of the financial markets. Above and beyond appeals to ethics, an understanding of “decent “ behaviour manifests itself in the invisible rules that enable a complex society to work.

“Decency” in Christian Petzold’sfilm

Two public events shed light on the topic of decency from different perspectives. On Tuesday, 5 April 2011 at 7.15 p.m., HSG lecturerJürg Metelmannwill be talking to Christian Petzold in St.Gallen’s Lokremise. According to the Frankfurter AllgemeineZeitung, the director is “responsible for the most beautiful cinema pictures that you can imagine in present-day Germany”.

Lecture about “The pliancy of morality”

On Wednesday, 6 April, Prof. Dr.Harald Welzer will give a public lecture on “The pliancy of morality” at 6.30 p.m., in Room 09-012, Library Building of the University of St.Gallen (HSG). The speaker is a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities in Essen, Germany.

photo: Grammbo/photocase

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