Events - 20.05.2010 - 00:00
4 February 2010. What will be the consequences of environmental changes for politics, the economy and culture in developing and industrialized countries? How can society react to the consequences of climate change? Forty students across Europe will discuss these issues with Nobel Prize winners and other outstanding personalities on the occasion of "Challenge the Best", a thinking contest that will take place at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) on 17 May 2010.
This trans-generational dialogue is being organized by the Student Union of the HSG. Students who would like to participate in the thinking contest are invited to submit their entries for the international essay and project competition, as of now.
Looking for solutions for the consequences of climate change
“We would like to develop global solutions for the social consequences of climate change, and to stimulate dialogue on this subject,” says HSG student Lars Repp about the selection of the topic of “Climate Change and Social Order – Evolution or Revolution?”. Climate change, he continues, is publicly discussed at global and local levels, but its impact on social structures is only rarely elucidated.
During this event, experts and students will form small groups to develop visionary approaches to solving social problems which are caused by climate change. The 40 selected students will have an opportunity to engage in intensive discussions with Nobel Prize winners, international experts and (former) political leaders.
Apply until 31 March 2010
Students from all academic fields across Europe are eligible to apply for participation at from now until 31 March 2010. From 14-16 May 2010, a preparatory seminar will take place in Switzerland. In their essays, students can expound their thoughts on the impact of climate change on social structures. Students may also enter the competition by submitting their own projects or intiatives of social engagement.
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