
Harald Tuckermann

Harald Tuckermann

Harald Tuckermann

Prof. Dr.

Ständiger Dozent mit Titularprofessur für Management pluralistischer Organisationen

Center for Healthcare (CHC-HSG)
c/o Institut für Marketing und Customer Insight (IMC-HSG)
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St Gallen

Phenomena: hospital management, management innovation, strategic change

Academic discourses: routine dynmics, paradox, reflexivity, social systems theory

Empirical domain: Healthcare Organiation and Management

Method: qualitative longitudinal case studies


Organization and Management of pluralistic organizations (particularly healthcare organizations); strategic change; paradox; process research; social systems theory

  • University of St.Gallen:Titularprofessor of Management of Pluralistic Organizations (since 02/21)
  • University of St.Gallen: Assistant Professor of Management of Pluralistic Organizations (02/14-01/21)
  • Institute of Business Education and EducationalManagement, University of St.Gallen (IWP-HSG): advancedtraining in university teaching (18 month CAS-program; 07/07-05/09)
  • Institute of Management, University of St.Gallen(IfB-HSG): Ph.D. in Management (Dr. oec.HSG) on organizationalchange in healthcare organizations (03/03-09/07)
  • Witten/Herdecke University, Germany: Master of Arts inManagement and Eco­no­mics majoring in: evolutionary economics; organi­za­tionalchange; capital market theory (10/94-02/00)
  • German National Academic Foundation:scholar (1994-2000) 
  • Institute for Systemic Management andPublic Governance (IMP-HSG): Vice-Director and member of the Institute’s executive board (06/11-12/21)
  • “HealthCare Excellence” (IMP-HSG): Managing director co-responsiblefor strategy of the research program, fundraising, leading the research team,conducting empirical research, embedding in the healthcare sector, supervisingtheses (since 03/04)
  • Pypke NehrkePartner Unternehmensberatung GmbH (Hamburg,Germany):  strategy consultant(02/00-06/01)
  • Dhs health care systems GmbH (Munich, Germany): process consultant ((09/98-06/99)
  • StudierendenGesellschaftWitten/Herdecke e.V. (Witten,Germany): executive board member (06/96-07/98)
  • Witten/Herdecke University (Witten, Germany): consulting projects in differentindustries (04/95-07/97)
  • Deutsche Bank AG (Mannheim, Germany): vocational training as financialassistant, and professional in the private banking sector (08/92-07/94) 

University Teaching

  • University of St.Gallen - Ph.D.program in Organization Studies and Cultural Theory: Lecturer of “Managing pluralistic organizations” (2 semesterhours; 02/14 – 05/15)
  • University of St.Gallen - Assessment Year: Lecturer for the Introduction to Management of thefirst-year English track (3 semester hours; since 09/13)
  • Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad deIngenería - master level: Visitinglecturer, master course on managing pluralistic organizations (bi-annual32 hours block seminar, since 07/13)
  • University of St.Gallen - Bachelor level: Lecturer of the course “DoingBusiness in Latin America” in English (2 semester hours; since 02/12)
  • Leibniz University Hannover - postgraduatelevel: Visiting lecturer on reflexive management; highreliability organizations; decision-making (20 hours block seminars; since03/09)
  • University of St.Gallen - Assessment Year:Lecturer of the exercises onmanagement (09/07 – 05/13, 09/16 – 05/17; between 4-8 semester hours) 

Executive Education

  • "Zukunftsfähige Führung": One-day intensive seminar on management for leading personnel at the University Hospital of Zürich (1 day every 3 months; since 2017)
  • Systemic Management for HealthCare Organizations: A one-year CAS-Program forhealthcare professionals of the Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur (15 ECTS, 24days of teaching, and projects to develop the hospital, since 01/11): course coordinator, lecturer
  • “St. Galler Diplomprogramm fürsystemisches Management in Healthcare Organisationen”, University of St.Gallen:An18-month DAS-Program for healthcare professionals of the Kantonsspital St.Gallen(30 ECTS, 40 days of teaching, and projects to develop the hospital, 03/08-03/10): course coordinator and lecturer 
  • Academy of Management
  • European Group of Organization Studies
  • Strategy-as-Practice
  • UWC Alumni Network

Stipendiat der "Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes e.V." (1990-1992; 1994-2000)

Best Paper Award of the ODC Division at the Academy of Management (2017)

Winner of the Success Fee for Publishing in a Financial Times 50 Journal (2018)

Editorial Board

Organization Studies:Member of the editorial review board (since 2013)

Weitere Informationen

Executive Teaching - inhouse Programme für Einrichtungen im Gesundheitswesen zur weiteren Qualifizierung ihrer Führungskräfte
