STUDENT (Starting Year) | SUPERVISOR |
Artho Olivia (2024) | Kuno Schedler |
Asiedu Michael (2020) | Tina Freyburg |
Bajka Scherwin Michael (2020) | Patrick Emmenegger |
Bertram Dominic (2024) | Christoph Frei |
Bertrand Benjamin (2023) | James Davis |
Caduff Nino (2021) | Tina Freyburg |
Cordier Johannes (2022) | Alexander Geissler |
Denysenko Danyl (2023) | Tina Freyburg |
Fauster Norman (2025) | Rolf Wüstenhagen |
Fischer Leslie Aileen Virginia (2023) | Tina Freyburg |
Fu Enqi (2025) | Alexander Geissler |
Harper Sophie (2025) | Ulrich Schmid |
Hoffmann Brit (2023) | Michael Lechner |
Ivardi Ganapini Cecilia (2021) | Patrick Emmenegger |
Kienle Ann-Katrin (2018) | Monika Bütler |
Koechli Kaspar (2025) | Guido Cozzi |
Krishnan Pradeep (2022) | Eri Bertsou |
Küfner Sophie (2025) | Rolf Wüstenhagen |
Lone Hellerøe Myrtue (2024) | Guido Cozzi |
Martinez Sergio (2022) | Simon Evenett |
Mili Sabrina (2021) | Rolf Wüstenhagen |
Monte Abrahao Fernando (2020) | Dirk Lehmkuhl |
Pasquali Filippo (2023) | Tina Freyburg |
Pirosa Enrico (2023) | Guido Cozzi |
Pistor Simon (2019) | Klaus Dingwerth |
Reidl Katharina (2023) | Rolf Wüstenhagen |
Rothenberger Martina (2025) | Rolf Wüstenhagen |
Sapin Maxime (2023) | Alexander Geissler |
Schendzielorz Konstantin (2021) | James Davis |
Scherbeck Sarah Celina (2025) | Rolf Wüstenhagen |
Seika Juliane (2023) | Rolf Wüstenhagen |
Tan Ethel Hui Yan (2024) | Klaus Dingwerth |
Thoma Andreina (2020) | Patrick Emmenegger |
Tonn Alexander (2020) | Guido Cozzi |
von Dessien Jana-Christina (2020) | James Davis |
Wanklin Linda (2020) | Patrick Emmenegger |
Weder Camilla (2023) | Julain Kölbel |
Weibel Manuel (2023) | Cristoph Frei |
Zachlod Nina Ramona (2021) | Charlotta Sirén |
Zahnd Nathanae (2020) | Peter Hongler |
Zenklusen Amber Cloe (2023) | Eri Bertsou |
Zumbrun Lukas (2022) | Kuno Schedler |
2025 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Berlanda Remo | The Impact of China's Infrastructure Projects in Africa – A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Three Railway Lines |
Bucher Christof | A Quantitative Analysis of the Chinese Economy |
2024 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Fischli Roberta | Freedom after Algorithms: From Opportunity to Digital Self-Determination |
Loder Julia | Overcoming fossil fuel dependence in a carbon-constrained world |
Van Drongelen Wesley | Small Talk: The Perception of Small State Size in Foreign Policy Formulation |
Bleibtreu Elena | Patient-centered approach within healthcare planning and financing |
Dossi Amos | Small Can Be Beautiful - How Military-Technological Trade-Offs Influence Efficient Project Size in Armaments Acquisition |
Essbaumer Elisabeth | Essays on Social Mobility |
Reitz Felix | Crisis-Era Fiscal Policy |
Marie-Luise Walther | Rethinking Complexity: European Development Finance, the Benefits of Institutional Overlap, and the Fight against Climate Change |
2023 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Trusilo Daniel | Principles in Practice: Applied Ethics for Artificial Intelligence |
Côté Elizabeth | Financial Models and Incentives for Clean Energy Investment |
Knauf Jakob | Community Investment and Social Acceptance of Wind Energy |
Schneider Nina | Dynamics of community acceptance - Local responses to wind energy projects |
2022 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Unterweger Daniel Franz | Globalization, technological change, and state intervention in coordinated capitalism: The political economy of state-led vocational training policies |
Pfeiffer Christian | Geoeconomics (re-)conceptualized: A neoliberal approach |
Mihaylova Iva | Elites, Chiefs and Diversity: The Political Economy of Deforestation in Africa |
Herr Tim Simon | Rethinking Climate Responsibility – From Theory to Measurement to Practice |
O'Flynn Ciaran | Does Depoliticization Work? An Examination of Global Financial And Taxation Governance |
2021 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Dällenbach Nathalie | Beyond status quo: The role of behavioral factors and familiarity in low-carbon decision-making |
Fürrutter Martina | The EU and the sanctioning of norm vioations |
Garbe Lisa Marie | Authoritarian survival in the digital age - Internet access and control in African autocracies |
Strebel Alexandra | Maintaining Employer Cooperation: Organisations of the World of Work in Swiss Collective Skill Formation |
Di Maio Gina | Skill formation under pressure: How the collective governance of vocational training adapts to rising skill demands |
Hofmann Benjamin | Arguing over Technology: The Coproduction of Business Practices and International Maritime Environmental Regulation |
Petrovich Beatrice | Determinants of households decisions to invest in residential solar photovoltaic systems and implications for policy |
Seitzl Lina | The end of cooperation? Collective skill formation systems in the knowledge economy |
2020 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Fohim Emamdeen | Becoming an Institutional Entrepreneur: The Case of Swiss Spatial Planners' Career Paths |
Rutsche Markus | John Rawls und das Problem der demokratischen Stabilität - Eine Untersuchung zur Theorie und Praxis des politischen Liberalismus |
Stigwall Katarina | The Women-Friendliness of European Asylum Policies - exploring a gendered policy-area and its determinants |
Müller Mathias | Protectionism and Financial Services |
2019 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Eggenberger Katrin | Solving Cooperation Problems over International Taxation: Power, Legitimacy and Sovereignty |
Mross Karina | Democracy Support and Peaceful Democratization after Civil War: A Disaggregate Analysis |
Plappert Sebastian | Humanitarian Intervention & International Society: State Practice between Order and Justice |
Graef Alexander | Foreign Policy Experts, Think Tanks and the Russian State: A Field Theoretical Approach |
Blenk Timo | Mastering Uncertainty after the Global Financial Crisis: The Dynamics of Paradigm Change in Eurozone Financial Regulation |
Rinscheid Adrian | Behavioral and Institutionalist Perspectives on Preference Formation in a Contested Political Context: The Gase of Divesting from Nuclear Power |
2018 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Blondiau Yuliya | Investments in Renewable Energy under Uncertainty : The Role of Energy Policy, Project Economics and Investor Cognition |
2017 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Walter André | Federalism, Direct Democracy, and the Expansion of the Welfare State : Social Policy Development in the Swiss Cantons 1930-2000 |
Jost Adriel | Central Banks, Monetary Policy and the Public |
Liesch Roman | Three Essays on Economic Crises, Inequality, and Political Behavior |
Mannino Massimo | The Political Economy of Natural Disasters |
Trütsch Tobias | The Economics of Payment : Essays on the Impact of Payment Innovations on Individual Payment Behavior |
Eicher Angela | Schweizer Gerichte im Spannungsverhältnis multipler Logiken - eine neue Führungsherausforderung illustriert am Beispiel des Bezirksgerichts Zürich |
Hentschel Friedhelm Thomas | Essays on Conflict Economics |
Schraff Dominik | Labor market disadvantage and political alienation: an investigation of micro-foundations |
2016 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Baumann Hans-Christian | Agenda-setting effects in the Indian general elections: Candidate images in party campaigns and the Hindi and English language press during the 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign |
Martinez Isabel | Income Inequality, Taxation, and Social Spending in Switzerland |
Mennillo Giulia | Sovereign ratings and the solvency of states: a case of structural power |
Bossard Fridolin | Umgang von Leitungspersonen mit Multirationalität in pluralistischen Organisationen. Fallbeispiel der Sonderschulen in einem Schweizer Kanton |
de Frutos Fernando | An economic theory of country membership policies |
Marti Christian | Voting and Legislation in Direct Democracies |
Platzgummer Peter | Performance Management in Arms Trade Offsets: The Rationale and Application of Effective Management Tools |
2015 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Gerasimenko Darya | Essays on the Political Economy of Commercial Policy during the Crisis Era |
Hold Arno | Essays on the relationship between intellectual property rights and economic development |
Meyer-Schwarzenberger Matthias | Grammatik und Sozialkapital: sprachliche Relativität in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft |
Chassot Sylviane | Renewable Energy Decision-Making: Style and Awareness of Cognitive Processes Beyond Rational Choice |
Demaj Labinot | Information for Politics: The Polarizing Effect of Performance Budgets on Legislators’ Allocation Judgments |
Fretz Stephan | Infrastructure and Economic Growth |
Schaller Tina | International Taxation, Information Exchange, and Foreign Wealth Management |
2014 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Tiemann Alexa | Institutions and Economic Development |
Tusch Andreas | Essays on the Impact of Demography and Aging on Capital, Innovation and Energy Consumption |
Baumgärtner Ulrike | Gender and Peacekeeping : A Process of Norm Adaptation in the United Nations Bureaucracy |
Boucsein René Jacques | Konfigurationen politischer Ordnungen in Europa : Integration als ideelle Herausforderung |
Eugster Beatrice | Why are some political economies better than others at incorporating immigrants? A comparative analysis of immigrants’ and non-immigrants’ socio-economic outcomes across advanced industrialised countries |
Scheidegger Christine | Women’s Policy Agencies and Institutional Architecture in Comparison: Building Blocks for Equal Gender Relations |
2013 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Fauceglia Dario | Essays on Trade, Finance and Exchange Rate Pass-Through |
Rousselin Mathieu | What’s Behind the Choice for Europe? The transfer of European rules, standards and policies towards powerful third countries and towards international organisations |
Streit Fabienne | Rechtsdogmatische Einordnung der offenen Methode der Koordinierung: Interdisziplinäre Untersuchung anhand der Fallstudie Bildungspolitik der EU |
Camia Valeria | Parties' Discourse on Europe Compared: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Social Democrats in Great Britain, Germany and Italy |
2012 | |
Name | Dissertation |
Strijbis Oliver | From Native to Immigrant Minorities: Ethnic Mobilization in Western Europe since World War I |
Jung Florian | Income Inequality, Economic Development, and Political Institutions |
Schäfer Werner | Advancing Ambition: Interests and Arguments in EU Climate Policy-Making |