
DIA Students and Alumni


Artho Olivia (2024) Kuno Schedler
Asiedu Michael (2020) Tina Freyburg
Bajka Scherwin Michael (2020) Patrick Emmenegger
Bertram Dominic (2024) Christoph Frei
Bertrand Benjamin (2023) James Davis
Caduff Nino (2021) Tina Freyburg
Cordier Johannes (2022) Alexander Geissler
Denysenko Danyl (2023) Tina Freyburg
Fauster Norman (2025) Rolf Wüstenhagen
Fischer Leslie Aileen Virginia (2023) Tina Freyburg
Fu Enqi (2025) Alexander Geissler
Harper Sophie (2025) Ulrich Schmid
Hoffmann Brit (2023) Michael Lechner
Ivardi Ganapini Cecilia (2021) Patrick Emmenegger
Kienle Ann-Katrin (2018) Monika Bütler
Koechli Kaspar (2025) Guido Cozzi
Krishnan Pradeep (2022) Eri Bertsou
Küfner Sophie (2025) Rolf Wüstenhagen
Lone Hellerøe Myrtue (2024) Guido Cozzi
Martinez Sergio (2022) Simon Evenett
Mili Sabrina (2021) Rolf Wüstenhagen
Monte Abrahao Fernando (2020) Dirk Lehmkuhl
Pasquali Filippo (2023) Tina Freyburg
Pirosa Enrico (2023) Guido Cozzi
Pistor Simon (2019) Klaus Dingwerth
Reidl Katharina (2023) Rolf Wüstenhagen
Rothenberger Martina (2025) Rolf Wüstenhagen
Sapin Maxime (2023) Alexander Geissler
Schendzielorz Konstantin (2021) James Davis
Scherbeck Sarah Celina (2025) Rolf Wüstenhagen 
Seika Juliane (2023) Rolf Wüstenhagen
Tan Ethel Hui Yan (2024) Klaus Dingwerth
Thoma Andreina (2020) Patrick Emmenegger
Tonn Alexander (2020) Guido Cozzi
von Dessien Jana-Christina (2020) James Davis
Wanklin Linda (2020) Patrick Emmenegger
Weder Camilla (2023) Julain Kölbel
Weibel Manuel (2023) Cristoph Frei
Zachlod Nina Ramona (2021) Charlotta Sirén
Zahnd Nathanae (2020) Peter Hongler
Zenklusen Amber Cloe (2023) Eri Bertsou
Zumbrun Lukas (2022) Kuno Schedler
Name Dissertation
Berlanda Remo  The Impact of China's Infrastructure Projects in Africa – A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Three Railway Lines
Bucher Christof A Quantitative Analysis of the Chinese Economy
Name Dissertation
Fischli Roberta   Freedom after Algorithms: From Opportunity to Digital Self-Determination
Loder Julia Overcoming fossil fuel dependence in a carbon-constrained world 
Van Drongelen Wesley Small Talk: The Perception of Small State Size in Foreign Policy Formulation 
Bleibtreu Elena Patient-centered approach within healthcare planning and financing
Dossi Amos Small Can Be Beautiful - How Military-Technological Trade-Offs Influence Efficient Project Size in Armaments Acquisition
Essbaumer Elisabeth Essays on Social Mobility
Reitz Felix Crisis-Era Fiscal Policy
Marie-Luise Walther Rethinking Complexity: European Development Finance, the Benefits of Institutional Overlap, and the Fight against Climate Change
Name Dissertation
Trusilo Daniel Principles in Practice: Applied Ethics for Artificial Intelligence
Côté Elizabeth   Financial Models and Incentives for Clean Energy Investment
Knauf Jakob Community Investment and Social Acceptance of Wind Energy
Schneider Nina Dynamics of community acceptance - Local responses to wind energy projects
Name Dissertation

Unterweger Daniel Franz

Globalization, technological change, and state intervention in coordinated capitalism: The political economy of state-led vocational training policies
Pfeiffer Christian Geoeconomics (re-)conceptualized: A neoliberal approach
Mihaylova Iva Elites, Chiefs and Diversity: The Political Economy of Deforestation in Africa
Herr Tim Simon Rethinking Climate Responsibility – From Theory to Measurement to Practice
O'Flynn Ciaran Does Depoliticization Work? An Examination of Global Financial And Taxation Governance
Name Dissertation
Dällenbach Nathalie Beyond status quo: The role of behavioral factors and familiarity in low-carbon decision-making
Fürrutter Martina The EU and the sanctioning of norm vioations
Garbe Lisa Marie Authoritarian survival in the digital age - Internet access and control in African autocracies
Strebel Alexandra Maintaining Employer Cooperation: Organisations of the World of Work in Swiss Collective Skill Formation
Di Maio Gina Skill formation under pressure: How the collective governance of vocational training adapts to rising skill demands
Hofmann Benjamin Arguing over Technology: The Coproduction of Business Practices and International Maritime Environmental Regulation
Petrovich Beatrice Determinants of households decisions to invest in residential solar photovoltaic systems and implications for policy
Seitzl Lina The end of cooperation? Collective skill formation systems in the knowledge economy
Name Dissertation
Fohim Emamdeen Becoming an Institutional Entrepreneur: The Case of Swiss Spatial Planners' Career Paths
Rutsche Markus John Rawls und das Problem der demokratischen Stabilität - Eine Untersuchung zur Theorie und Praxis des politischen Liberalismus
Stigwall Katarina The Women-Friendliness of European Asylum Policies - exploring a gendered policy-area and its determinants
Müller Mathias Protectionism and Financial Services
Name Dissertation
Eggenberger Katrin Solving Cooperation Problems over International Taxation: Power, Legitimacy and Sovereignty
Mross Karina Democracy Support and Peaceful Democratization after Civil War: A Disaggregate Analysis
Plappert Sebastian Humanitarian Intervention & International Society: State Practice between Order and Justice
Graef Alexander Foreign Policy Experts, Think Tanks and the Russian State: A Field Theoretical Approach
Blenk  Timo Mastering Uncertainty after the Global Financial Crisis: The Dynamics of Paradigm Change in Eurozone Financial Regulation 
Rinscheid Adrian  Behavioral and Institutionalist Perspectives on Preference Formation in a Contested Political Context: The Gase of Divesting from Nuclear Power 
Name Dissertation
Blondiau Yuliya Investments in Renewable Energy under Uncertainty : The Role of Energy Policy, Project Economics and Investor Cognition
Name Dissertation
Walter André Federalism, Direct Democracy, and the Expansion of the Welfare State : Social Policy Development in the Swiss Cantons 1930-2000 
Jost Adriel Central Banks, Monetary Policy and the Public
Liesch Roman  Three Essays on Economic Crises, Inequality, and Political Behavior 
Mannino Massimo  The Political Economy of Natural Disasters 
Trütsch Tobias The Economics of Payment : Essays on the Impact of Payment Innovations on Individual Payment Behavior
Eicher Angela Schweizer Gerichte im Spannungsverhältnis multipler Logiken - eine neue Führungsherausforderung illustriert am Beispiel des Bezirksgerichts Zürich 
Hentschel Friedhelm Thomas Essays on Conflict Economics 
Schraff Dominik  Labor market disadvantage and political alienation: an investigation of micro-foundations
Name Dissertation
Baumann Hans-Christian Agenda-setting effects in the Indian general elections: Candidate images in party campaigns and the Hindi and English language press during the 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign 
Martinez Isabel Income Inequality, Taxation, and Social Spending in Switzerland
Mennillo Giulia Sovereign ratings and the solvency of states: a case of structural power
Bossard Fridolin  Umgang von Leitungspersonen mit Multirationalität in pluralistischen Organisationen. Fallbeispiel der Sonderschulen in einem Schweizer Kanton
de Frutos Fernando  An economic theory of country membership policies 
Marti Christian  Voting and Legislation in Direct Democracies
Platzgummer Peter  Performance Management in Arms Trade Offsets: The Rationale and Application of Effective Management Tools
Name Dissertation
Gerasimenko Darya Essays on the Political Economy of Commercial Policy during the Crisis Era 
Hold Arno Essays on the relationship between intellectual property rights and economic development
Meyer-Schwarzenberger Matthias  Grammatik und Sozialkapital: sprachliche Relativität in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 
Chassot Sylviane Renewable Energy Decision-Making: Style and Awareness of Cognitive Processes Beyond Rational Choice
Demaj Labinot Information for Politics: The Polarizing Effect of Performance Budgets on Legislators’ Allocation Judgments
Fretz Stephan Infrastructure and Economic Growth 
Schaller Tina International Taxation, Information Exchange, and Foreign Wealth Management
Name Dissertation
Tiemann Alexa Institutions and Economic Development 
Tusch Andreas Essays on the Impact of Demography and Aging on Capital, Innovation and Energy Consumption 
Baumgärtner Ulrike Gender and Peacekeeping : A Process of Norm Adaptation in the United Nations Bureaucracy 
Boucsein René Jacques Konfigurationen politischer Ordnungen in Europa : Integration als ideelle Herausforderung 
Eugster Beatrice Why are some political economies better than others at incorporating immigrants? A comparative analysis of immigrants’ and non-immigrants’ socio-economic outcomes across advanced industrialised countries
Scheidegger Christine Women’s Policy Agencies and Institutional Architecture in Comparison: Building Blocks for Equal Gender Relations 
Name Dissertation
Fauceglia Dario Essays on Trade, Finance and Exchange Rate Pass-Through 
Rousselin Mathieu What’s Behind the Choice for Europe? The transfer of European rules, standards and policies towards powerful third countries and towards international organisations 
Streit Fabienne Rechtsdogmatische Einordnung der offenen Methode der Koordinierung: Interdisziplinäre Untersuchung anhand der Fallstudie Bildungspolitik der EU 
Camia Valeria Parties' Discourse on Europe Compared: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Social Democrats in Great Britain, Germany and Italy
Name Dissertation
Strijbis Oliver From Native to Immigrant Minorities: Ethnic Mobilization in Western Europe since World War I
Jung Florian Income Inequality, Economic Development, and Political Institutions 
Schäfer Werner Advancing Ambition: Interests and Arguments in EU Climate Policy-Making

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