
Addresses and information

Quick links for students interested in Spanish and Latin American studies

Here you will find a brief list of useful addresses and web links for students interested in Latin America and/or the Iberian Peninsula.


  • El Condor bookshop: (Hispanic-American books)
    María Mariotti-Luy, Seilergraben 43, Postfach 369, 8001 Zürich 
    Tel. 01 262 09 66 / Fax. 01 262 0949
    «Libería El Condor» , e-mail  
  • Romanica bookshop, Schifflände 5, CH-8001 Zurich
    Tel. 044 252 1962 / Fax 044 252 1969
  • LibRomania bookshop, Länggasse 12, CH-3001 Berne
    Tel. 031 305 3030 
  • La Central, Calle Mallorca 237, ES-08008 Barcelona
    Tel. 0034 934 875 018 / Fax. 0034 934 875 021
    «la central»

Libraries and archives

Spanish press


Partner universities

Exchange programmes and partner universities of the University of St. Gallen

