The faculty of Italian Studies and Environmental Humanities is committed to to an integrative approach to Italian Studies and the Environmental Humanities.
Through our teaching, research projects, academic events, publications and outreach initiatives, we offer students and the general public the possibility to explore some of the most significant aspects of Italian culture and society from original perspectives, and also to join current debates on sustainability, the environmental crisis, and climate change. Our teaching, research, and initiatives contribute to the sustainability strategy of the University of St.Gallen (see 2021-2022 Report on Responsibility and Sustainability)
Our interdisciplinary Team includes experts in both Italian Studies and the Environmental Humanities, committed to a great thematic and methodological diversity.
Prof. Ph.D. Federico Luisetti
Full Professor for Italian and Environmental Humanities
University of St.Gallen
Office 51-6005
Unterer Graben 21
9000 St.Gallen