
For Companies

The MGM offers its cooperation partners exclusive corporate partnership models. Our service packages and cooperation formats give companies the opportunity of individual solutions to get in touch with the MGM and its students. The result: a lively exchange between lecturers, students, and practice partners.

Cooperate with the next
generation of managers

With our various forms of cooperation, we offer companies a wide range
of opportunities to get in touch with our students. We offer cooperations
that vary according to the degree of involvement of the company and the
financial outlay. If you do not find anything suitable among our comprehensive
range of offers: Please contact us with your proposal!

MGM "Class of the Year" Sponsor

Taking on the prominent role of sponsoring a specific cohort of our students is the most comprehensive collaboration opportunity at the MGM. As an official MGM sponsor, you will connect with MGM students - in guest lectures, workshops, or personal get-togethers. If you would like to know more about this exclusive partnership, please contact us!


Sie wollen eine wichtige Fragestellung in Bezug auf Ihr Unternehmen wissenschaftlich untersuchen lassen? Dann kooperieren Sie mit unseren MGM-Studierenden im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit. Unsere Studierenden beenden ihre Masterarbeit in durchschnittlich weniger als 4 Monaten und das mit akademischer Unterstützung durch unsere renommierte Faculty. Auch wenn Sie noch kein vordefiniertes Thema haben, kommen Sie bei Interesse gerne auf uns zu. Wir werden gemeinsam einen Weg finden, der zu Ihren Ansprüchen passt.

Throughout the study cycle, there are numerous opportunities to get in touch with our students - from welcoming our new students at the MGM Welcome Days, to working out joint solutions for your challenges, to saying goodbye to our graduates at the twice-yearly Graduation Days. You are welcome to support these special events by promoting yourself with your own stand, making a suitable contribution in terms of content, financially supporting our aperitif, or awarding exclusive prizes for exceptional academic achievements. As you can see, there is no limit to the variety of topics - as long as our students are provided with real added value.

In our Managerial Impact Projects, a group of up to six students solves the problem of a client from practice under academic supervision. The topics range from entrepreneurship to strategy, leadership, and sustainability. Whether it's developing a market entry strategy in Asia or advising on your business development - our students are eager to roll up their sleeves and get started for you.

Our cooperation partners

The MGM cooperates with small and medium-sized companies as well as industry giants all over the world. Whether CEO guest lectures in St. Gallen, company insights in Berlin and Singapore, independent Managerial Impact Projects on current challenges of our partner companies or exclusive recruiting events on campus - the MGM offers its students a first-class springboard for a top international career.


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