
Master in International Management

CEMS is about opportunities: the opportunity for you to benefit from an international education and to experience cultural diversity, the opportunity for companies to take part in the development of  management education and to have privileged access to a recruitment pool of highly motivated young managers, and the opportunity for leading management schools to build on their strengths through cooperation. The success of CEMS rests on its ability to unite these opportunities into one partnership.


CEMS has created the CEMS Master’s in International Management Programme, which acts as a flagship to give its graduates international recognition. It sets a common standard in management education, which embraces and builds upon the individual strengths of the educational programme of each school. Its main ingredients are excellence in management education, experience abroad, an emphasis on team work, and competency in three languages.

Over the past years, the Financial Times has constantly ranked the CEMS MIM top class among the top 10 European Master’s of Science programmes in Management. However, CEMS is more than an excellent academic programme; it allows you to network with other future global managers providing the basis for a more closely-knit global business community in the future.

It is by joining the CEMS partnership that companies show their commitment to management education. CEMS enables companies to contribute to a programme which develops the type of human resources they need, that are individuals of proven mobility and quality.

Today CEMS is a global league of 33 world-class academic institutions and over 70 international companies as well as 8 NGOs. It is this partnership that will enable the young managers with a CEMS Master’s degree to make an important contribution to the future course of the international business world. CEMS MIM offers a select group of the best international students coming from CEMS member institutions the expertise needed to succeed in the international business environment. Designed by both academic and business leaders, the CEMS MIM programme builds a bridge between university education and practical management, thus offering profound insight into leadership best practices.

What is CEMS and what is the CEMS MIM?

CEMS – The Global Alliance in Management Education

CEMS is a strategic alliance of leading business schools and multinational companies. Its first mission is to set a global standard of excellence for pre-experience Master's in management. Founded in 1988 in Europe, the network has grown steadily, largely due to the success and popularity of the CEMS Master's in International Management: the MIM programme. Today, CEMS is the global league of leaders on the pre-experience Master's market and it cannot be equalled in terms of reputation of its members: 33 world-class academic institutions collaborate with over 70 corporate partners and 8 NGOs to offer international postgraduate students a unique blend of high quality education and professional experience.

While the academic institutions provide the highest standards of teaching and research excellence, the CEMS Corporate Partners contribute the practical and business-oriented skills and experience necessary to achieve the greatest level of success. CEMS Alumni are the perfect embodiment of highly qualified young professionals eager to comprehend and appreciate the diversity of cultures all over the world. Today, over 18'000 alumni of over 100 nationalities live and work in over 75 countries.

CEMS MIM – A top ranked Master’s in Management degree programme

The CEMS Master's in International Management (CEMS MIM) is a top-level postgraduate degree open to multilingual students enrolled in a Master's in Management programme at one of the CEMS member schools.

Constantly ranked among the best in the world by the Financial Times, the CEMS MIM is the ultimate academic-corporate bridge programme. Multinational companies and international calibre professors from top business schools and universities combine to design and deliver theoretical knowledge and practical know-how.

This exposure to top-class teaching and the operational expertise of worldrenowned companies gives CEMS students a golden opportunity to consolidate previous knowledge and apply newly acquired skills. This balance of theoretical and experiential learning is achieved via a multifaceted, carefully designed 12-month programme.

CEMS Mission Statement

CEMS is a global alliance of academic and corporate institutions dedicated to educating and preparing future generations of international business leaders. The CEMS academic and corporate members work collectively to develop knowledge and provide education that is essential in the multilingual, multicultural and interconnected business world.

The joint CEMS Master's in International Management is the main vehicle for achieving this goal.

Common to all activities is the aim of promoting global citizenship, with particular emphasis placed upon the following values:

  • The pursuit of excellence with high standards of performance and ethical conduct
  • Understanding and drawing upon cultural diversity with respect and empathy
  • Professional responsibility and accountability in relation to society as a whole

CEMS Graduation in London 2023

CEMS Graduation in London 2023

This year’s CEMS Annual Events and MIM Graduation Ceremony took place in London, UK.
Congratulations to our graduates and we wish you all the best for your future!
Thanks to the the London School of Economics for hosting the Annual Events on their beautiful campus, and the LSE-team & the CEMS Global Office for the whole organisation. Here you can find some nice impressions.

More on topic

CEMS InfoSession

CEMS InfoSession


26 September 2024 followed by an Apéro and the chance to speak to current CEMSies or via Zoom:





The CEMS Community

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CEMS MIM Programme University of St.Gallen – Image Video

If you have any questions regarding the CEMS MIM for HSG Master students, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For visitors

Our offices are located downtown, close to the train station.

Advising hours

During the semester:
Monday to Thursday from 09.30 am to 11.30 am

During breaks:
No physical office hours - however you can reach us via mail or TEAMS

Special appointments

Possible - require prior arrangement


University of St.Gallen
International Networks
CEMS Office
Tellstrasse 2
CH-9000 St.Gallen
+41 71 224 31 15

CEMS Programme Managers

Marion Schönenberger

CEMS Programme Manager

CEMS Office
Tellstrasse 2
9000 St. Gallen

Jacqueline Meier

CEMS Programme Manager

CEMS Office
Büro 58-316
Tellstrasse 2
9000 St. Gallen

CEMS Corporate Relations and Curriculum Manager

Sybille Gmünder

CEMS Programme Manager

Büro 58-324
Tellstrasse 2
9000 St. Gallen

CEMS Academic Director

Andreas Wittmer


Academic Director CEMS

Büro 3-104
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen

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