
Great Minds Postdoctoral Fellowships

Great Minds Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Great Minds programme supports with funds of the Basic Research Fund (BRF) postdoctoral researchers who are aiming for an academic career after completing their doctoral studies in their scientific career development.

•    Early career researchers who hold a doctoral degree or who will earn such a degree within the next six months are eligible to apply. Eligibility is subject to the date on which applicants took their last examination prior to submitting their application.
•    Applicants must have earned their PhD degree no later than two years before submitting their application. Exceptions can be granted in justified cases (e.g. due to family care duties).
•    Applicants who have completed their doctorate at the University of St.Gallen must have gained at least eight months of experience at a research institution outside the University of St.Gallen, either during or after their doctoral studies. Alternatively, applicants may provide evidence that they will be spending at least four months at a research institution abroad during the envisaged funding period.
•    own salary
•    research expenses at an amount of CHF 2'500 p.a. 
•    indispensable research costs
•    workplace and IT equipment 

Duration of Funding
•    Funding is awarded for a maximum of 24 months to applicants who have earned their doctorate at the University of St.Gallen. 
•    For applicants who have earned their doctorate at another university, funding is awarded for a maximum of 36 months.
•    Should the requested amount of funding exceed a period of 24 months, applicants must request that their funding be disbursed in two tranches: the first installment for a maximum of 24 months, the second installment for the remaining duration of a maximum of 12 months.  

Application documents
•    Application form
•    Research plan
•    CV 
•    Publication list
•    Copies of degree certificates including the doctoral degree
•    A letter of support from at least one full professor or associate professor of the University of St.Gallen or from a bridge professor of the University of Zurich (in their capacity as a full or associate professor at the University of Zurich). 
•    Only for applicants without doctorate: letter of the PhD supervisor providing information about the status of the doctoral thesis and the prospective date of the final examination.
•    Two reference letters: Applicants who have earned their doctorate at the University of St.Gallen must provide at least one reference from a supervisor who is not affiliated with the University of St.Gallen. 
•    When staying abroad: An invitation letter from the host institution abroad.

Application for an extension (2nd installment):
•    Report on the first (i.e. completed) part of the project and details on current progress as well as a justification of the extension. 
•    Demonstrable evidence of the active involvement and support in the research group/institute. 
Submission deadlines 2025:
•    1st March, 1st September

Research Committee of the University of St.Gallen.

Please note the implementation provisions in the download section.

Please get in touch with the Research Committee Office ( if you require any further information or have any questions.


Research Committee Office
Tellstrasse 2
9000 St. Gallen
