
Podcasts - 16.12.2024 - 08:00 

Grüezi Amerika – Episode 2: Making Sense of the Election

What helps us understand – and, for some, to cope with – the outcome of the US elections? Claudia Brühwiler recommends these three books.
Grüezi Amerika – Episode 2: Making sense of the election

What helps us understand – and, for some, to cope with – the outcome of the US elections? Of course, exit polls and analyses of seasoned observers, scholars, and political players are a necessary first step to grasp the situation. But there are other avenues that help us make sense of the current American moment, as host Claudia Brühwiler suggests: reading books that do not address the present specifically, but teach us more enduring lessons. 

The books mentioned are:

  • "Exit Ghost" by Philipp Roth
  • "Die Politik der Wut" by Dan T. Carter
  • "They Called Us Enemy" by George Takei

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