Social and Family Policy
(Un)Deservingness and Morality
Street-Level Bureaucracy
Critical Policy Studies
Reproductive work and care
Street-Level Bureaucracy
Critical Policy Studies
Critical Feminist Theory
Queer Theory
Affect Theory
PhD student of Transcultural Studies, University of St. Gallen
Working title: "Productive families and capable mothers: Un/Deservingness in Hungarian Family Policies"
MA in Gender Studies, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Social Sciences
Gastlektorin an der Fakultät für Grundschul- und Vorschulerziehung der Eötvös Loránd Universität. Budapest
Einführung in die Kulturanthropologie (2019/2020/2)
Einführung in die Soziologie der Familie (2020/2021/1)
Einführung in die Kulturanthropologie (2021/2022/2)
Dissertation als Teil des Forschungsprojekt "Moralisations of Inequality" (MOI) -
"'So, we're going to be tough here' - street-level bureaucrats' policing poverty in the Hungarian carefare regime" - EASA2024: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology (23-26 July 2024)
"Middle-classing in the Hungarian “carefare regime” as boundary work" - Transforming Care Conference, Sheffield ( 26 - 28. 06. 2023.)
‘That's why you have to make an effort. And you can let them feel that.’ - A comparison of emotional labour and moral judgement shaping bureaucratic encounters in Switzerland and Hungary. - joint presentation with Maria Lassak - School of Humanities and Social Sciences Retreat 2022, Warth-Weiningen, Schweiz (30. 05. - 01. 06. 2022)