
Sixta Quassdorf

Sixta Quassdorf

Sixta Quassdorf



Müller-Friedberg Strasse 6/8
Büro 52-7202
9000 St. Gallen

"Arbeit" in Literatur/Soziologie/Geschichte

Amerikanische Gegenwartsliteratur


Repräsentation von Arbeit in der amerikanischen Gegenwartsliteratur

John Dos Passos

Weitere Forschungsgebiete

Zitatstudien - Shakespeare

Historische Phraseologie

Digital Humanities


FS 2024: Worlds of Work - A Short History of Labour from Antiquity to the Present (Uni SG)

HS 2023: Fixed Forms Are Never Fixed - Routines in Communication (Unis SG)

HS 2023: The Art of Persuasion in Historical Perspective since Antiquity (Uni SG)

FS 2023: The Art of Persuasion in Historical Perspective since Antiquity (Uni SG)

HS 2022: Fixed Forms Are Never Fixed - Routines in Communication (Uni SG)

HS 2022: The Art of Persuasion in Historical Perspective since Antiquity (Uni SG)

FS 2022: Was ist Arbeit? Eine Geschichte der Arbeit von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (Uni SG)

HS 2021: The Art of Persuasion in Historical Perspective since Antiquity (Uni SG)

HS 2021: Was ist Arbeit? Eine Geschichte der Arbeit von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (Uni SG)

FS 2021: Was ist Arbeit? Eine Geschichte der Arbeit von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (Uni SG)

HS 2020: Worlds of Work - A Short History of Labour from Antiquity to the Present (Uni SG)

FS 2015: Seminarsitzung "Variability of quotations" in Dr. Regula Hohl Trillini's MA-Seminar: "HyperHamlet – Echoes of Shakespeare" (Uni Basel)

HS 2012: Doktorandenkolloqium "Sprachwissenschaft" im Auftrag von Prof. Dr. Heike Behrens (Uni Basel)

FS 2009: MA-Seminar "Relevance Theory" mit Ass. Prof. Dr. Andreas Langlotz  (Uni Basel)

HS 2008:  MA-Seminar "Typisierte Rede" mit Prof. Dr. Annelies Häcki Buhofer (Uni Basel)

HS 2008 - FS 2010: BA-Einführungsseminar "Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft: Psycholinguistik, Soziolinguistik, Empirische Pragmatik" (Uni Basel)


  • Swiss Association of University Teachers of English (SAUTE)
  • Swiss Association for North American Studies (SANAS)
  • John Dos Passos Society

Konferenzvorträge (10 von 28)

  • Quassdorf, Sixta: “Exploring the Irrational: Ghosts in David Foster Wallace's The Pale King.” International Conference - Corporations, Communities, Crowds: The Aesthetics of Collective Agency in Twenty-First-Century Culture, Hannover (University of Bonn), 23 July 2022.
  • Quassdorf, Sixta: "Bureaucracy, Clerks and Spectral Realities in David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King." Virtual Workshop on Bureaucratic Poetics: Brian O’Nolan and the Irish Civil Service, University of Stockholm, 26 November 2020.
  • Quassdorf, Sixta: “Meaningless Work with Words: The Literary Figure of the Scribe.” 3rd International Conference The Power of Language, University "Luigj Gurakuqi", Shkodra, Albania, 22 November 2019.
  • Quassdorf, Sixta: “HyperHamlet: A Database of Quotations from and Allusions to Shakespeare's Most Famous Tragedy.” Global Shakespeare and the Digital Humanities Workshop. NY University Abu Dhabi, V.A.E., 8 October 2019 (invited).
  • Quassdorf, Sixta: “The Examiner ‘turns a page’: Form and Content in §25 of David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King.” Powerful Literary Fiction Texts: a Stylistic, Empirical and Performance-based Approach. University of Brighton, UK, 20 June 2019.
  • Quassdorf, Sixta: “’I would prefer not to take a clerkship’: The Office Novel.” SANAS Biennial Conference The Genres of Genre - A Conference on Form, Format, and Cultural Formations. University of Lausanne, 2 November 2018.
  • Quassdorf, Sixta: "’There Is No Right Life in the Wrong One’: Drink and Abstinence in John Dos Passos's Manhattan Transfer and U.S.A.” The Third Biennial John Dos Passos Society Conference. Lisbon, 20 June 2018.
  • Quassdorf, Sixta: "'A little more than kin': Quotations as a linguistic phenomenon." Research Colloquium, English Seminar, University of Basel, 18 October 2016.
  • Quassdorf, Sixta. "HyperHamlet – A database of quotations and allusions." British Shakespeare Association Conference Shakespeare: Text, Power, Authority. Stirling, 3-6 July 2014.
  • Quassdorf, Sixta: "'These words are not mine. No nor mine either.' - poetic language in normal speech." 2nd International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation: Centering the Marginal, Stretching the Boundaries, Muscat, Oman, March 2010.