Veronica Barassi: media anthropology, digital anthropology, data and artificial intelligence; children, youth and family studies; big tech and global relations; civil society and human rights.
Paula Bialski: Digital cultures, software and hacker studies, science and technology studies, corporate work cultures, ethnography of transport and mobility
Matías Dewey: political and economic sociology, illegal markets and marketplaces, garment industry, drug dealing and e-waste value chains. Most recent book: Making It at Any Cost: Aspirations and Politics in a Counterfeit Clothing Marketplace (University of Texas Press).
Marta Domínguez Díaz: North Africa and Western Europe; Anthropology of Islam; Modern Sufism, Transnational Islamic groups, Gender in Islam, Islam in Europe, Religion in Borderlands; Ritual Studies, Minority groups in North Africa, Maghrebi Andalusians.
Florian Elliker: racial and ethnic relations; minorities; elite education; elite spaces; reinventive institutions; drugs/consciousness-altering substances; cannabis and psychedelics; populism; conservatism; South Africa and Europe; sociology of knowledge; cultural sociology; discourse analysis; discourse ethnography; Unexplored Realities.
Thomas Grisaffi: Peru and Bolivia; political and economic anthropology, coca and cocaine production and its global commodity chain, agricultural unions, alternative development, and democracy.
Rita Kesselring: Southern Africa, South Africa, Zambia; Switzerland; global inequalities, reparations, trauma, the body; mining, urban development, corporate governance, global supply chains; legal anthropology, urban anthropology, political anthropology; urban studies; methodology
Sandra King-Savic: Southeastern and Central Europe, ethnography and migration, citizenship / ‘integration’ and belonging, legal ethnography, transnational and informal practices, diaspora.
Insa Koch: Britain and Europe; political and legal anthropology; political economy; social inequalities; criminal justice; welfare; modern slavery; Empire; post-colonialism; populism; democratic crisis; advocacy and public anthropology
Julien McHardy: Science and technology studies, design, dramaturgy, curation, mobility and transport studies
Niklaus Reichle: racial and ethnic relations; minorities; elite reproduction & education; elite spaces; architectural ethnography, reinventive institutions; drugs/consciousness-altering substances; cannabis and psychedelics; South Africa and Europe; sociology of knowledge; cultural sociology; Unexplored Realities
Tanja Schneider: Britain and Europe, Australia, science and technology studies, social studies of neuroscience, financialisation, food innovation, health and sustainability, digital health, app studies, agency in the digital age, accountability and governance, Silicon Valley
Andreas Streinzer: Europe; Economic Anthropology; Political Anthropology; Social Reproduction Theory; Critical Theory; Inequality and Distribution; Provisioning; Deservingness; Kinship; Household.
Jelena Tosic: Europe (focus: Central and Southeastern Europe); Anthropology of (Forced) Migration and Borders; Transculturality; Transnationalism; Inequality; Deservingness; Morality; Citizenship; Anthropology of Education; Historical Anthropology; Post-Conflict Societies; Post-Socialism; Project Leader SNSF-Project “Moralisations of Inequality” and Transcultural Studies.