The President is elected from among the professors. He fulfils the functions entrusted to him by the University Statutes and further decrees. In particular, these functions include the chairmanship of the Senate and the Senate Committee, the management of the University, the introduction and coordination of planning measures, the representation of the University to the outside world and the supervision of the University’s administration.
The University Statutes stipulate that besides the President, the President’s Board consists of the Vice-Presidents and the General Secretariat, the Director of Administration and the Dean of Studies & Academic Affairs. The President may co-opt further members of the University. At present, these are the Director of Research & Faculty, the Director Institutes & Executive Education, the Director of Innovation & Quality and the Head of Communication.
Vice-President for Institutes & Executive Education
Vice-President for Innovation & Quality
Vice-President for Research & Faculty
Vice-President for Studies & Teaching
General Secretary
Director of Administration
Dean of Studies & Academic Affairs
Director of Institutes & Executive Education
Dean Research & Faculty
Head of Communication
Personal Assistant to the President
Assistent to the President
At the University of St.Gallen, five President’s Delegates are in charge of the fields of Public Programmes, Quality Development, Responsibility and Sustainability as well as the topics of equality, diversity and inclusion.
The President’s Delegates advise the University executives in their respective fields. Within the President’s Board’s delegation of competence, they are responsible for the steering and further development of individual remits or issues. In international terms, their function is comparable with that of an "Associate Dean"
Delegate of the Rectorate for Quality Development
President’s Delegate for University Benchmarking
President’s Delegate for Community Development
President’s Delegate for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
President's Delegate for Responsibility and Sustainability