2004: Master in Business Administration and Economics, University of St.Gallen
Professional Career
Since 2014: Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of St. Gallen
Since 2014: Research Fellow, University of the Free State, South Africa
Since 2015: Chair of the Swiss Network for Qualitative Social Research
Since 2015: Chair of the Research Committee Interpretive Sociologies (Swiss Sociological Association)
Since 2017: Vice-chair of the Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods (European Sociological Association)
2012–2013: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of the Free State, South Africa
2004–2012: Research Fellow, University of St.Gallen
Teaching Activities
2014–2017: Certificate of Advanced Studies in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of St.Gallen
2014–present (University of St. Gallen): Lectures on qualitative methodology, intercultural relations, migration, and communication
2012–2013: Co-development and co-presentation of a Master’s programme in the Narrative Study of Lives, University of the Free State (South Africa); Methodology workshop in the Narrative Study of Lives at the 4th South African Social Sciences Research Methodology Winter School, University of Pretoria (South Africa)
2004–present: Lectures and workshops on qualitative social research methods, sociology of migration, sociology of culture, tourism sociology, organiational theory and behavior
2004–present: Lectures and workshops held at the University of Vienna, Austria, University of Pretoria (South Africa), University of the Free State (South Africa), University of Applied Sciences Chur (Switzerland), University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen (Switzerland), School for Medical and Health Care, St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Latest research project (principle investigator): Becoming a minority. Experiencing precarity in ethnically diverse societies. Ethnographic research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
Chair of the Swiss Network for Qualitative Social Research
Chair of the Research Committee Interpretive Sociologies (Swiss Sociological Association)
Vice-chair of the Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods (European Sociological Association)
Sections Sociology of Knowledge and Qualitative Methods (German Sociological Association)
Sections Race, Class and Gender and Sociology of Emotions (American Sociological Association)