

The Student Association for Computer Science at the University of St.Gallen

ACM Chapter at HSG

The ACM Chapter at the University of St.Gallen is a student-founded association that promotes and supports a passion for computer science. It provides a platform that not only facilitates interaction among members but also creates a social environment where like-minded people can meet and learn from one another.

Website ACM Chapter

Get in touch with students?

Get in touch with students?

Are you interested in studying computer science or the ACM Chapter? Would you like to connect directly with students and spend a day at the University of St.Gallen? Then don’t hesitate to reach out to us:

Send E-Mail Request

Mutual Support

Mutual Support

The association is an excellent point of contact for new students. It offers not only a social network but also personal support in the form of summaries, assignment collections, and a coaching programme. This makes the ACM Chapter a great resource for all computer science students at the University.

Learning doesn’t have to happen alone, and alongside mutual support, the ACM Chapter also offers workshops and events with private companies. This creates a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere that makes learning and getting to know one another an enjoyable experience.


Coding Night (Oktober 2023)

An der ACM Coding Night haben Studierende aller Stufen versucht, möglichst viele Betrugsversuche in Kreditkartendaten zu identifizieren. Hier: Auftaktvortrag eines Experten für Fraud Detection im Bankenumfeld.
