The HSG Latam Term – the only programme to offer instant understanding of the Latin-American context! Spend a spring semester of your undergraduate studies abroad at the FGV - EAESP in São Paulo, Brazil.
Dear students interested in participating in an exchange, on this website you will find information regarding the HSG Latam Term. Please consider this to be a general summary of the information available. The information here is provided for students interested in studying at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) as degree students and also interested in the exchange opportunities at HSG. Detailed Information is available in StudentWeb and you have access to StudentWeb as soon as you are immatriculated at HSG.
Spend a second semester at a partner university. Application «Second Exchange Partner Universities» possible with HSG Latam Term and HSG Asia Term Programmes.
Application period for an exchange in Spring semester 2026 |
21 November 2024 to 12 December 2024, 16.00 (St.Gallen - CH) |
The HSG Latam Term is the flagship exchange programme between the University of St.Gallen and the FGV - EAESP in São Paulo. It provides a unique opportunity to spend a spring semester of your Bachelor degree studies abroad in Brazil.
Being integrated into FGV - EAESP’s curriculum and semester, the HSG Latam Term starts mid-February and ends mid-June. The HSG Latam Term is open to HSG students of any HSG Bachelor study major.
In the application you may enter up to seven partner universities of your choice and in the order of your preference. Application conditions are the same as for an exchange semester at a partner university. The HSG Latam Term in São Paulo can be selected as one preference «São Paulo - HSG Latam Term, FGV - EAESP, São Paulo».You can find an overview of our partner universities here. If you want to apply for the HSG Latam Term, this option will be available and marked as "HSG Latam Term at FGV - EAESP".
Please note that this is a general list - detailed information with semester dates, fact sheets and fields of study are available in StudentWeb. Please do not contact Student Mobility Services before you have not checked the detailed information in StudentWeb. You will be granted access to it after having been immatriculated to HSG. When making your exchange university selections, consider the language of instruction, the local language, available fields of study, semester dates, travel advisories, etc.
A minimum of 16 transferable ECTS course credits must be completed with a positive grade at the host university, otherwise no credits from the exchange term will be transferred towards the HSG degree.
A maximum of 32 ECTS course-credits (Bachelor thesis excluded) can be credited to the HSG degree per exchange semester at Bachelor’s level. The website of the GIMLA-HSG in São Paulo provides additional information on the programme and quotes from previous participants.
A minimum of 16 transferable ECTS course credits must be completed with a positive grade at the host university, otherwise no credits from the exchange term will be transferred towards the HSG degree.
A maximum of 32 ECTS course-credits (Bachelor thesis excluded) can be credited to the HSG degree per exchange semester at Bachelor’s level. The website of the GIMLA-HSG in São Paulo provides additional information on the programme and quotes from previous participants.
Programme Manager The Americas & Oceania