
Background - 08.05.2024 - 09:15 

New cantonal government: Bettina Surber takes over the Department of Education from 1 June 2024

The departments of the new St.Gallen cantonal government for the coming term of office 2024-2028 have been filled. The two newly elected and five existing members of the Cantonal Council met yesterday evening for their constituent meeting.

There will be new appointments in the Department of Security and Justice and the Department of Education: while Christof Hartmann (SVP) will head the Department of Security and Justice, Bettina Surber (SP) will head the Department of Education in future. The University of St.Gallen (HSG) congratulates Bettina Surber on her election and looks forward to working with the new Director of Education.

Presidium of the Board of Governors

The election also has consequences for the HSG's Board of Governors, the University's highest strategic governing body. The Cantonal Council is responsible for the election of the Board of Governors, whereby the election is subject to approval by the Cantonal Parliament.

The person nominated for election by the Cantonal Council presented himself to the parliamentary groups. However, she gained the impression that there were reservations about her candidature and that she could not have counted on the full support of the Cantonal Council. She therefore withdrew her candidature. The Cantonal Council for the 2024/2028 term of office will therefore continue the recruitment process for the election of the President of the Board of Governors. 

In the meantime, Yvonne Suter, current Vice President of the Board of Governors, will chair the Board. The Cantonal Council elected the Head of the Department of Education, Cantonal Councillor Bettina Surber, to represent it on the Board of Governors.

New office for HSG Professor Kuno Schedler 

The Cantonal Council also elected Kuno Schedler as Chairman of the Administrative Commission of the Social Insurance Institution of the Canton of St.Gallen (SVA St.Gallen). He succeeds Adrian Rüesch, who is stepping down from the Administrative Commission due to age restrictions. As Professor of Business Administration at the University of St.Gallen and Director of the Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance there, Kuno Schedler has extensive and diverse economic knowledge that will be of great benefit to the strategic management of SVA. Schedler is also familiar with SVA from his previous consultancy work.

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