
Finance and insurance

Finances and insurance are important concerns in the service.

During their military or civilian service, service personnel are entitled to the following financial benefits:

  • Compensation for loss of earnings (EO)
  • Pay & possible pay supplement
  • Reimbursement of health insurance premiums during longer periods of service

Nevertheless, things can get tight financially. During a period of service or if this is the cause of the shortfall, the Armed Forces Social Service is available to help.

Your entitlement to loss of earnings compensation

Persons performing service who live in Switzerland or abroad are entitled to compensation for loss of earnings for each paid day of service in the Swiss Armed Forces, civil defence and Red Cross service, for each eligible day of service in civilian service and for each course day in J+S cadre training.

The compensation for loss of earnings is intended to partially compensate for the salary lost during a period of service; taxes and duties are therefore also owed on it. If you are employed, your employer will pay you at least the compensation, or even more depending on your contract or collective labour agreement. Non-employed persons receive the minimum rates directly from the AHV compensation fund.

A "registration card" is issued periodically during the period of service and at the end. Please complete this and send it to:

Groups of persons Recipients of the registration card
Employed Employers
Persons who are unemployed for less than 12 months Last employer
Self-employed persons AHV equalisation fund holding the account
Non-employed students AHV compensation fund St.Gallen
Other AHV compensation fund at place of residence



Amount of compensation for loss of earnings

Compensation for loss of earnings is calculated per day of service performed, based on the salary to be compensated. Special regulations apply to conscripts with children.

Type of service Fixing Min. Max. Allowance for the self-employed
RS Fixed amount 62.-- 62.-- +62.--
Cadre courses 80% 111.-- 196.-- +67.--
Other 80% 62.-- 196.-- +67.--

The salary to be replaced is assumed to be the salary received prior to service. This assumption can be corrected, e.g. if you would have worked more during your service:

  • You would have actually worked more (e.g. service during the semester break: you would have worked 100% during this time);
  • A new position could already have been taken up (e.g. service shortly after the end of studies: Because of the service, a job can only be taken up afterwards)

The fact that a higher salary must be accepted and its amount must be proven by the conscript himself, e.g. by confirmation from an employer or diploma, to the responsible substitute insurance fund.

Pay For service to the community, a grade-dependent pay is paid per day of service. This is not subject to social insurance or tax. The current rates and salary allowances can be found on the army website.


Where can I get help in emotional, psychological and social emergencies or would I like to talk to someone I can trust and who is bound to confidentiality?

Members of the armed forces can get into difficulties despite the payment of EO, pay, pay supplement or even due to delays, e.g. until the EO is paid or health insurance premiums are reimbursed. The Armed Forces Social Service helps in such financial, legal or family problem situations. Its aim is to equalise social differences. It does this by acting quickly and unbureaucratically, by providing problem-orientated help and by assisting in difficult life situations.

The following options are available to the social services:

  • Personal counselling (family problems, but also legal issues: budget, dismissal, continued payment of wages, debt collection);
  • financial help;
  • Organising personal laundry/soldiers' laundry.

Not everyone makes use of the Armed Forces Social Service. If you would like to benefit from this assistance, please contact the responsible liaison officer or your commanding officer during a period of service. You can contact the Armed Forces Welfare Service at the address shown on the webpage.

You are subject to military insurance during your service. If you serve for more than 60 consecutive days, you therefore do not have to pay the premiums for basic insurance for the duration of your service

Health & accident insurance
During your service, you are covered by military insurance against accident, illness and disability free of charge. Your benefits are basically comparable to civilian insurance, and in some cases even better due to the inclusion of dental treatment. The military insurance does not charge a deductible or excess. On the other hand, the free choice of doctor and hospital is restricted and even excluded for longer periods of service.

If a period of service lasts at least 61 days without interruption, the civilian health insurance obligation does not apply. Register with your health insurance company so that you do not have to pay any premiums during this time! Supplementary insurance (e.g. private ward) is not affected.

Liability insurance
The federal government is solely liable for any damage you cause in the course of your duties: you cannot be held directly liable. However, the law stipulates that recourse can be taken against you in the event of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

Equipment lost during service often has to be replaced and is regularly charged for; this can quickly add up to large sums. Please note that private liability insurance policies often explicitly exclude damage arising from military service from their cover. You will find information on this in your policy.

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