
Frequently asked questions

We receive frequently recurring questions regarding funding options, loans and scholarships. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

Domestic and foreign students at Assessment Level, Bachelor’s Level and students at Master’s Level.

There are big differences in the levels set by the cantonal scholarship authorities. Although the Advice Center for Study Funding has certain working thresholds for taxable income and net assets, we advise you to talk to us in case of need, as the personal and family situation can relativize the financial situation.

You can submit an application for emergency loan at short notice. In justified cases, emergency credit will be granted based on the same conditions as a normal student loan.

The Advice Center for Study Funding will be able to explain your rights, obligations and options to you. As a general rule, this will not exclude you from applying for financial support for funding your studies. Only once the office has received a full application can a general statement concerning financial need be made.

Yes, you can submit an application. 

Yes, payments from the scholarship and loan fund are generally paid out from the second regular study semester following initial or rematriculation.

Pursuant to article 276/277 of the Swiss Civil Code, your parents are obliged to support you financially during your degree courses. In case of financial challenges, you can submit an application and explain your situation in your motivation letter. 

Yes. The Advice Center for Study Funding provides subsidiary funding. 

In general, students from the Assessment, Bachelor and Master Levels can apply for a scholarship via the Advice Center for Study Funding. 
Certain criteria, that you can read while filling out the application, are relevant. 

In general, students from the Assessment, Bachelor and Master Levels can apply for a loan via the Advice Center for Study Funding. 
Certain criteria, that you can read while filling out the application, are relevant. 

Students can, generally, submit an application for financial support as of the second semester of their course.  

Do write our office an email, to ascertain what the current criterion is. 

During a student’s standard period of study, they will generally have a legal right to cantonal scholarships if their parents earn too little. The HSG office for study funding manages the university’s scholarship and loan Fund, and no statutory rights apply here.

As a general rule, it is possible to defer (extend the payment deadline) of the tuition fees. Please contact the Dean's Advisory Office for your level.


The University of St.Gallen does not have any scholarships or loans for Ph.D. students. Most Ph.D. students fund their studies by means of a 70% workload as an institution assistant. An important contact for you, therefore, is your institute or your supervisor, who can provide you with information about employment options in your subject area. The Office of Doctoral Studies can provide you with further information. You can also reach out to the HSG student body as they have a Fund out of which they can – under certain criteria – grant financial support one-time to PhD students.


For students who find themselves in an unexpected, financially dire situation with a degree of urgency, the tuition fees can be deferred or even partially or fully waived. The students must be regularly enrolled and studying at the University of St.Gallen. 

The recognized living costs according to BfS for students without children vary depending on the level and whether the candidate is a domestic or foreign student (based on the differing tuition fees for the educational levels and nationalities). From this, the parental contribution, any other income and, from Bachelor’s level onwards, a reasonable proportion of self-funding from part-time work amounting to CHF 3 000.- per semester (regardless of whether or not you actually work) will be deducted.

If you have already applied successfully for a scholarship/loan/top-up bursary for the difference between domestic and foreign students’ tuition fees and your financial situation and your course work have not changed significantly, then yes. However, applications can only be made for a maximum of two semesters. After two semesters, a follow-up application must be submitted. A positive decision does not represent a precedent for further decisions.

Scholarships and loans are paid out twice per year. After the submission deadline has passed, you will need to wait around six to eight weeks. During this time, we will review your application and the interview held and the application evaluated. The decision on approval/rejection is made by a committee from the scholarship and loan fund. You will be notified of this decision in writing.

The repayment obligation for the loan begins on January 1 of the calendar year following the borrower’s exmatriculation. Repayment must be concluded within five years from the beginning of the repayment obligation. The annual rate amounts to at least 20% of the loan granted. The obligation to pay interest begins with the start of the repayment obligation in accordance with point 3. The annual interest rate is based on the compensatory interest for tax amounts in Canton St.Gallen.

A loan can also be repaid in less than five years. The Advice Center will be happy to agree special conditions with you. Get in contact with us if you would like to set up special agreements.

In the canton of your parents’ registered domicile. You can find more information here.

The deadlines can be found in the dates on the StudentWeb. The deadlines for submitting a grant or loan application to our office can also be found on our website.

First, you should submit your most recent tax declaration to us and the latest tax invoice you have. The up-to-date tax invoice can be submitted later on.

Your parents have the option of sending the tax documentation to us directly without you having to see it.

Taxable income refers to the amount of income once all statutory deductions have been made (see tax form). There are countries in which income is taxed differently to Switzerland. When no tax declarations have been submitted to the state, the Advice Center for Study Funding will need a written statement from the parent or guardian outlining their level of annual income is. Taxable assets refer to assets for which all statutory deductions have been made (see tax declaration). “Net asset” refers to the asset once deductions have been made but without the local-rate exemptions. Where a tax declaration does not have to be submitted to the state, the parent or guardian must submit a declaration or breakdown outlining their assets to the Advice Center for Study Funding.

The tax declaration is something you fill out yourself every year and submit to the state by way of declaration of your income and your assets. Based on this, the state produces a tax invoice, which you will receive. Please do not send us any provisional tax invoices. Foreign students do not have to fill in a tax declaration in Switzerland. The income of foreign student is subject to withholding tax.

As soon as the application form has been completed in full and all the necessary documents (in accordance with the form) are available, the application can be submitted by post to the Advice Center for Study Funding at the University of St.Gallen, Studies & Academic Affairs Department, Advice Center for Study Funding, Bodanstrasse 1, CH-9000 St.Gallen, placed directly in the mailbox of the building at Bodanstrasse 1 (building 25 on the campus plan), or sent per email (as 1 pdf document). The application form for requesting a scholarship or loan is available to enrolled students through Compass (Request Study funding).
