

THEMIS - The International Legal Network of Excellence offers Master students studying (business) law the opportunity, to spend the Autumn semester abroad at one of the THEMIS partner universities.



City University Hong Kong 
(Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
ESADE Law School
Freie Universität Berlin
Maastricht University
(Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Università Bocconi
University of St.Gallen
(St.Gallen, Switzerland) 
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne 
Singapore Management University
National University of Taiwan 
(Taipei, Taiwan)
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

As a Master student at one of our THEMIS partner universities, your application for a guest stay at HSG needs to be processed by the International Office of your home university.

Once your application has been checked by your International Office, the premliminary registration is handled by your home university with an electronic nomination process.


 Nomination deadline for home university
Autumn semester 15 April                                                           

After you have been nominated by your home university, you will receive a password and the information about the online registration process.


Enrolment deadline for guest students
 Autumn semester 15 May                                                           


Registration procedure

The online registration takes place in Mobility-Online. Once you login to your account, you will have a list of different tasks to complete. Of the various tasks, uploading personal documents of you is required. These documents are:

  • Application confirmation (signed)
  • Photocopy of valid passport or national identity card that you will use to enter Switzerland
  • Photo* for Student Identification card (student ID)

Once you have completed the tasks, they will automatically be checked off. After you have completed the tasks and HSG Student Mobility Services has checked your application, your Acceptance Letter will be transmitted. 

After applying successfully for a guest stay at HSG, you can further prepare yourself by using the tabs "Guest Studies at HSG – Academics" and "Organisation of your stay in Switzerland".

  • Students will be provided with a list of THEMIS accreditated courses at HSG
  • Students are allowed to choose one (1) course outside of the THEMIS course list (up to 6 ECTS)
  • Students need to attempt examinations worth 30 ECTS
  • Students must pass at least 24 ECTS in the examinations
  • Students are allowed to take a maximum of 33 ECTS during their THEMIS exchange semester


THEMIS guest students have to take part in the HSG bidding in order to get assigned to courses. We recommend to read the information in "Guest studies at HSG - Academics" carefully. Please also have a look at the information about the "Organisation of your stay in Switzerland" and read the THEMIS Incoming Factsheet provided in the Download section at the end of this page.


THEMIS Brochure EN

THEMIS Course list Autumn 2024 EN

Incoming Student Exchange Factsheet 2025-2026 EN

Incoming Student Exchange Programmes Factsheet 2024-2025 EN

THEMIS FactSheet Incomings 24/25 (EN)

THEMIS FactSheet Incomings 25/26 (EN)


Magdalena Piller

Programme Manager THEMIS / Events / Content Management

Student Mobility Services
Tellstrasse 2
9000 St Gallen

Christina Zenker


Managing Director Law School

Law School
Bodanstrasse 3
9000 St. Gallen

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