
Partner university exchange Bachelor and Master

Bachelor and Master students from HSG partner universities may spend a guest semester in St.Gallen.

As a Bachelor or Master student at one of our partner universities, your application for a guest stay at HSG needs to be processed by the International Office of your home university. Once your application has been checked by your International Office, the preliminary registration is handled by your home university with an electronic nomination process.

 Nomination deadline for home university

Autumn semester 15 April                                                           
Spring semester 15 September       

After you have been nominated by your home university, you will receive a password and further information about the online application.

Application deadline for guest students
 Autumn semester 15 May                                                           
 Spring semester 30 September
Application Procedure

The online application is made via the Mobility-Online portal. You will be required to upload the following (personal) documents:

  • Application confirmation (signed)
  • Photocopy of valid passport or national identity card that you will use to enter Switzerland
  • Photo for Student Identification card (student ID)


All tasks completed?

Once you have completed the tasks, they will automatically be checked off. After you have completed the tasks and the Student Mobility Office has checked your application, your Acceptance Letter will be transmitted. 

After applying successfully for a guest stay at HSG, Student Mobility will formally check and approve your application. Following, you will be sent an e-mail with your user name and login for accessing Compass (the university's student portal). You will need this in order to access the bidding platform where the course allocation takes place. You can further prepare yourself by checking out the details at "Guest Studies at HSG – Academics"  and "Organisation of your stay in Switzerland". 

Please note:

As a guest student at HSG, you need to be flexible in your course choices as the number of course slots is limited. Our experience has shown that guest students coming to St.Gallen during the last semester of their studies often do not have that flexibility.


Incoming Student Exchange Programmes Factsheet 2024-2025 EN

Incoming Student Exchange Factsheet 2025-2026 EN


Andrea Häfner

Programme Manager Incomings Europe, Russia, Middle East & Africa | Freemover Incomings | Scholarships SEMP & ESKAS

Student Mobility Services
Tellstrasse 2

9000 St Gallen

Nicole Gsell

Programme Manager Asia / ECOL Virtual Exchange

Student Mobility Services
Büro 58-317
Tellstrasse 2
9000 St. Gallen

Esther Stäheli

Programme Manager The Americas & Oceania

Student Mobility Services
Büro 58-316
Tellstrasse 2
9000 St. Gallen

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