Educational theory
Professionalisation and professionalism of (prospective) instructors
Sustainability education
Teaching and learning with, about and through analogue and digital media
Educational-psychological myths, misconceptions and questionable beliefs
Science theory, science communication, open science
University of St.Gallen (since 2022)
University of Augsburg (2017–2021)
Overview of previous and current university courses:
Non-university teaching activities (selection):
Thesis supervision (Bachelor and Master)
You are welcome to write your Bachelor's and/or Master's thesis at the Institute of Business Education and Educational Management (IWP-HSG). I will be happy to supervise you in writing your thesis – especially if your project is related to my own research areas.
I am very happy to supervise qualification theses on the following topics. Possible questions are:
Sustainability Education / Education for Sustainable Development
II Professionalization and professionalism of teachers
III Teaching and Learning with and via Educational Media
Important information on supervision
1) Before our first conversation, make some initial thoughts about a possible research question. If you would like to link to my research projects, I recommend you look at my list of publications. You can easily access many texts via Open Access.
2) Choose a topic that really interests you. Remember that you will be working on the topic over a longer period.
Feel free to get in touch with a project idea:
Ongoing Projects
Finished Projects
List of publications, talks and workshops
Public Speaking - World Map | Dr. Stefan T. Siegel
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
University of Augsburg (UniA)
University of Bergen (UiB)
University of Teacher Education St.Gallen (PHSG)
University of Edinburgh
Current list of publications
Selected publications:
Editor and Reviewer Activities