
Christian Laesser

Christian Laesser

Christian Laesser

Prof. Dr.

Professor, Senior Lecturer of Management with special emphasis on Tourism and Service Management

Büro 3-346
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses

consumer behaviour in the service industry (with special focus on the tourism and transport related industry);; financing of tourism supra- and infrastructure (with special focus on success/ risk drivers in the cableways and hospitality industry);; issues with regard to destination management (with special focus on marketing, network and organisational topics);; service management in tourism and transport;; management of companies institutions operating between market and governments

Fields of research

Consumer behaviour in the service industry (with special focus on the tourism and transport related industry)

Further fields of research

Destination Management

Professional Career

Visiting Research Fellow (La Trobe University, Melbourne, AUS)


Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST), Secretary General
Swiss Association for Transport Sciences (SVWG),Secretary General
International Academy for the Study of Tourism, Fellow

Accompanying group for federal tourism policy, member
Swiss Tourism Council, member

Arosa Bergbahnen AG, President of Finance Commission and Member of the Board of Directors
Hotel Heiden AG, Member of the Board of Directors
Local Bini AG, Member of the Board of Directors
Zermatt Bergbahnen AG, Member of the Board of Directors

STRC Swiss Transport Research Conference (Board)

Other: ANZMAC Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy, EMAC European Marketing Acadmey, CAUTHE Council of Australian University Education in Tourism and Hospitality, TTRA Travel and Tourism Research Association

Editorial Board

Journal of China Tourism Research, regional editor (Europe)
Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Tourismuswirtschaft, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verkehrswirtschaft, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Travel Research, member of editorial board
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, member of editorial board
Tourism Analysis, member of editorial board
Anatolia, member of editorial board
IMP Perspektiven, member of editorial board
