
Institutes and Centres

The members of the SEPS belong to various institutes and centres.


The institutes have financial, conceptual, and personnel ties to HSG. The directors in charge are faculty members. However, the institutes primeraly operate as autonomous and entrepreneurially managed entities. They are particularly engaged in research, executive education and providing consulting services to companies and government organisations.

The HSG institutes perform a large part of the junior research work. They provide training to institute employees at the intersection of academia and real-world application, thus actively fostering the creation of spin-off companies fro our ecosystem.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics is responsible for teaching mathematical and statistical methods at all levels of the HSG. In addition, the department is involved in quantitatively oriented research in various areas of economics.


The HSG Centres are collaborations between HSG institutes and research units. The goal is to work together across institutes on specific important topics. HSG Centres are virtual hubs, not to be confused with institute-internal competence centres. The new centres – which have existed since 2006 – also have a showcase function.

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