
Events @SEPS

We are happy to provide you with information on our events, current topics and regularly held seminars and School meetings.

Events during the Spring Semester 2024





Semester Start Lunch

18 September 2023


Spring Apéro

Date to follow

Farewell Lecture of Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei
19 December 2024 HSG Campus    
Political Science Research Seminar Tuesdays from 10.30am to 11.30am during the semester
Economics Research Seminar Thursdays from 12.15pm to 1.15pm during the semester
Brown Bag Seminar Wednesdays from 12.15pm to 1.15pm during the semester
Quantitative Methods and Learning Tuesday from 5.15pm to 6.30pm during the semester


Department Meetings February 19, 2024, 2.15pm - 4pm Room: 01-104 (Econ) / 01-102 (Pol)
School Assembly March 18, 2024, 4.15pm - 6pm Room: 01-102
Department Meetings April 15, 2024, 4.15pm - 6pm Room: 01-104 (Econ) / 01-102 (Pol)
School Assembly April 22, 2024, 4.15pm - 6pm Room: 01-102


We will offer two series - one in political science and one in economics organized by the Global Center for International Economics (GCIE)

Political Science:
 «Herausforderungen und Erneuerungen der Demokratie: Chancen und Perspektiven»
Mondays, 6:15pm until 7:45pm, Main Campus A, room 01-208 / *01-014

19 February
Demokratie, Partizipation, Vertrauen: Was kann und soll von Bürger:innen erwartet werden?

Dr. Alexander Geisler, Universität St. Gallen

26 February
Klimawandel und Populismus als Herausforderung für die Demokratie

Prof. Dr. Robert A. Huber, Universität Salzburg / AT

18 March
Wandel der Arbeitswelt und Zukunft der Demokratie

Hans Rusinek, Universität St.Gallen

25 March*
Zukunftsrat U24 – Stimme der jungen Schweiz

Che Wagner, Programmleiter «Teilhabe» und Co-Projektleiter des «Zukunftsrats U24», ProFuturis Zürich


«Ein wirtschaftlicher Kompass für Globale Herausforderungen»
Wednesdays, 6:15p, until 7:45pm, Main Campus A, room 01-013

28 February
The Green Energy transition and the developing world (DE)
Prof. Dr. Roland Hodler

13 March
Geopolitical scenarios through to 2030: Implications for Swiss business (EN)

Prof. Dr. Simon Evenett

27 March
Technology and employment (EN)

Prof. Dr. Bruno Caprettini

10 April  
Work and Time-Use across the World (DE)

Prof. Dr. Charles Gottlieb

Progammebrochure Spring Semester 2024

Please visit the university website for more details on public lectures.

Further Links
