
HSG funds and excellence scholarships

Both in Switzerland and in other countries, a wide range of scholarships and loans is available to help students.

Important to know

Scholarships do not need to be repaid. Provided the requirements are met, as a Swiss citizen you have a legal right to cantonal scholarships (BAföG for Germans; Mobilität for Austrians; etc.). The cantonal scholarship offices (and EducationSuisse for foreign Swiss) are therefore always the first place to contact for Swiss citizens. Please find out about all relevant deadlines ahead of time, as no scholarships will be granted retroactively.

Cantonal scholarship offices (only in German)

Student loans must be repaid after your education has been completed. Typically loans do not bear interest during your studies; interest accrues only after you have completed your degree. Conditions for repayment can vary greatly. We recommend taking out student loans no sooner than two years before your graduation, or merely as an interim solution for one or two semesters. Otherwise you run the risk of accumulating a large amount of debt by the time you graduate.

Attention: Swiss banks are not allowed to offer student loans (reason: Swiss credit law). Ask your friends and family about options for financing your studies. In some cases it may even be possible to receive a form of early inheritance. EDUCA SWISS offers loans to all students in Switzerland. 

HSG Funds

This fund supports enrolled Assessment Year students and students at Bachelor’s and Master’s levels with scholarships and loans at favourable rates of interest. This is intended to prevent situations whereby students are unable to study or have to terminate their studies owing to financial straits. Besides students’ individual financial circumstances, support criteria also includes individual attitude to performance willpower and capacities.

As a rule, payments from the Loan and Scholarship Fund of the University of St.Gallen are granted from the second regular degree course semester after initial enrolment or re-enrolment. 

Application forms for the submission of a request for a scholarship or loan are available as a download on Compass (Request Study Funding). The deadlines for the submission of the application form including the required enclosures are:

  • Autumn semester: 1 October
  • Spring semester: 1 March

Please note that besides the form, further documents are required for means testing, which means it will take some time to complete the application.

The Advice Center for Study Funding, upon receipt, first checks the completeness of the application and then contacts the applicant to coordinate a personal interview.

Semesters abroad are in principle co-funded. The assessment criteria are in line with St. Gallen circumstances. Please note, that additional costs such as for travel expenses or higher cost of living abroad are not covered. In cases of financial straits, we recommend a regular exchange at one of the partner universities of the University of St.Gallen for which another scholarship (e.g. SEMP, see with the Exchange office) can be applied for.

HSG Freemover students are required to pay a reduced Freemover fee of CHF 700 instead of the regular HSG tuition fee regardless of the amount paid at the host university.

The Social and Cultural Fund of the Student Union (SHSG) supports student initiatives and the improvement of the social situation of students of the University of St.Gallen. Every matriculated student who has a valid student ID has the right to apply for financial support. It can be that a refusal from the HSG Loan and Scholarship Fund is an application criterion. 

Social and Cultural Fund

Excellence Scholarships

Excellence scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in a Bachelor's degree at the University of St.Gallen on the basis of merit. The scholarship amount corresponds to the current tuition fees at the Bachelor level for a total of 6 semesters.

Currently, the University of St.Gallen, the "St.Galler Stiftung für Internationale Studien" (SSIS) and the "Monique Dornonville de la Cour - Stiftung" award scholarships for excellence at the Bachelor level in cooperation with the Advice Center for Study Funding.

Enrolled students of the University of St.Gallen with an outstanding academic performance in the HSG Assessment Year are identified by the Advice Center for Study Funding and invited to apply for an Excellence Scholarship. An application without an invitation from the University of St.Gallen is not possible. In addition to the above-mentioned performance criterion, further selection criteria may be applied, depending on the funding source. The final selection of scholarship awardees is the responsibility of the relevant committees.

The University of St.Gallen cooperates with the Swiss Study Foundation and the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.

Enrolled students of the University of St.Gallen with an outstanding academic performance in the HSG Assessment Year, are identified by the Advice Center for Study Funding according to the respective selection criteria of the two study foundations and asked whether their data may be forwarded.

Currently, both study foundations also accept self-applications.

Another excellence scholarship is the Starr International Foundation Stipendienfonds. The fund is aimed at highly talented, foreign-language students with a recognised, foreign Bachelor's degree who are pursuing a Master's degree in one of the English-language programmes:

  • Strategy and International Management (SIM)
  • Quantitative Economics and Finance (MiQE/F)
  • International Affairs and Governance (MIA)
  • Banking and Finance (MBF)
  • Marketing Management (MiMM)
  • Economics (MEcon)
  • International Law (MIL)
  • Accounting and Corporate Finance (MACFin)
  • Computer Science (MCS)

As a rule, grants in the amount of CHF 20,000.‒ per programme are awarded each year. Outstanding students are identified by the Advice Center for Study Funding on the basis of various criteria and asked to submit additional documentation. The final selection of scholarship awardees is the responsibility of the respective Master's programme representatives.

Other Excellence Scholarships may be offered by Master's programmes. Please reach out to your respective Master's programme representative.

Tuition fees

For a deferment of the payment of tuition fees, please contact the Dean's Advisory Office of your level.

Students who are in urgent pressing unexpected financial straits can be granted a partial or total remission of tuition fees. The applicants’ and their parents’ financial and familial situation is essential and decisive.

Application forms for partial or total remission of the tuition fees can be downloaded from the student portal Compass (Request Study Funding). 

The deadline for the submission of the application form incl. required enclosures is 1. October and 1. March.

Please note that besides the form, further documents are required for means testing, which means it will take some time to complete the application. Forms that have not been duly completed will not be processed!

Scholarship Directories

The scholarship and grants database Funding Finder provides information for University members of all levels (Bachelor's level to assistant professor) containing data on more than 150 private and state institutions that award scholarships, loans, grants etc.. This extensive but not exhaustive list is continually updated.

Funding Finder

A complete list of the over 2,700 traditional Swiss foundations can be found in the Swiss Federal Government's foundation Directory (only in German).

Foundation directory

The Swiss Confederation grants scholarships for foreign students with a university degree (postgraduate) through the Federal Commission for Scholarships. Swiss government scholarships are granted for students from selected countries.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Online directory of addresses for social aid («Soziale Hilfe von A-Z») with over 3000 organisations from the entire social sector of the Canton of Zurich, selectable according specific needs (only in German).

«Soziale Hilfe von A bis Z»

Instructions for preparing a request for funding (only in German).

«Das perfekte Gesuch»

More information
